The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Huge Ass Meme.


1.1: What is your full name: Aimee Dawn Wingfield.
1.2: Date of birth: August 4, 1975.
1.3: Male or female: Heh. Female.
1.4: Astrological sign: Leo.
1.5: Nicknames: A few.
1.6: Occupation: Office this and office that. Blah, blah, blah.
1.7: Height: 5'1"..
1.8: Hair color: Blonde but oddly, since my haircut Saturday, it looks more brown. And no, I didn't die it--one more person asks me that and I swear I'll...
1.9: Eye color: Hazel--mostly green, sometimes bluish green.
1.10: Where were you born: Kings Daughters Hospital in Ashland, KY.
1.11: Where do you reside now: South Florida. Hot, sweaty, miserable place.
1.12: Age: 31.
1.13: Screen names: I have a few.
1.14: Why those names?: Just cause.
1.15: Pets: Two; 1 dog, 1 cat.
1.16: Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake: Did I have a cake? Hmm. Shrug. 31.
1.17: Piercings: 4; 2 in each ear.
1.18: Tattoos: None.
1.19: Shoe size: 7.
1.20: Righty or lefty: Righty.
1.21: Wearing: Blue capri's, red tee--aren't I patriotic?
1.22: Hearing: The loud ass fan someone put in my office.
1.23: Feeling: Meh.
1.24: Eating/drinking: Since Warren is a miracle worker and my new best friend, I'm currently enjoying a 20 oz. bottle of Mountain Dew Live Wire. No food.

Guys/Girls/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff

2.1: Have you ever been in love: Certainly.
2.2: How many people have you said 'I love you' to: A few.
2.3: How many people have you been in REAL love with: Ditto.
2.4: How many people have you kissed: I have no earthly idea. More than a few.
2.5: Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex: Mm Hm.
2.6: How many people have you dated: 5.
2.7: What do you look for in a girl: I don't really.
2.8: What do you look for in a guy: I don't know, this and that.
2.9: What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: Eyes.
2.10: What type of girl do you usually go for: I don't particularly.
2.11: Do you have a crush right now: Crush is such a mild word.
2.12: If so, who is it: I never kiss and tell. Okay, sometimes, but still...
2.13: Do you believe in love at first sight: Not really.
2.14: Do you remember your first love: Yes.
2.15: Who is the first person you kissed: Jaime.
2.16: Do you believe in fate: Yes and no.
2.17: Do you believe in soul mates: Yes and no.
2.18: If so do you believe you'll ever find yours: Perhaps.

Family Stuff

3.1: How many siblings do you have: True? One. Steps? Five.
3.2: What are your siblings' names: Christie. And since the steps and I don't really talk anymore I'm not naming them.
3.3: What are your parents' names: James and Dawn.
3.4: How many siblings does your mother have: Seven (I think).
3.5: How many siblings does your father have: None.
3.6: Where are your parents from: Ohio (mom) and Kentucky (dad).
3.7: Is your family close: Pretty much.
3.8: Does your family get together for holidays: Usually.
3.9: Do you have a drunk uncle: I have a few drunk uncles.
3.10: Any medical problems run through your family: Cancer and Diabetes.
3.11: Does someone in your family wear a toupee: I don't believe so.
3.12: Do you have any nieces or nephews: One neice; Sarah, one nephew; Thomas.
3.13: Are your parents divorced: Yes.
3.14: Do you have step-parents: Step-father.
3.15: Has your family ever disowned another member of your family: Nah.

Music Stuff

4.1: What song do you swear was written about you or your life: I'm sure ther's one I just can't think of it right now.
4.2: What's the most embarrassing CD you own: I honestly can't think of one I'd be embarrassed to adit I have.
4.3: What's the best CD you own: Marshall Mathers LP or Slim Shady LP--both kick ass.
4.4: What song do you absolutely hate: Again, I'm sure there are some, I just can't think of any at the moment.
4.5: Do you sing in the shower: Sure do.
4.6: What song reminds you of that special someone: More than a few.


5.1: Color: Green.
5.2: Food: Right now, brownies.
5.3: Song: Renegage or Rock Bottom.
5.4: TV Program: House MD.
5.5: School subject: Drama.
5.6: Animal: Don't really have a favorite.
5.7: Outfit: I'm a big fan of PJ's.
5.8: Radio station: Don't have one.
5.9: Movie: Today I think I'll go with "Goonies".
5.10: Cartoon: Not sure. I used to really dig "He-Man".
5.11: Actor: It'd probably still be Christian Slater though I do love Johnny Depp.
5.12: Actress: I've always had a thing for Drew Barrymore.
5.13: Chips: Cheetos.
5.14: Alcoholic drink: Midori Sour.
5.15: Soft drink: Diet Pepsi Jazz S & C.
5.16: Holiday: Christmas.
5.17: Perfume/cologne: Chance by Chanel.
5.18: Pizza topping: Black olives.
5.19: Jelly flavour: Strawberry.
5.20: Sandwich meat: Pastrami.
5.21: Card game: War and Go Fish are the extent of my card gaming skills.
5.22: Video game: Tekken or Mortal Kombat.
5.23: Book: There are too many I consider favorites.
5.24: Computer game: Don't really have one. I used to love Slingo and I occasionally play Chuzzle.
5.25: Number: Eight.
5.26: Cereal: Lucky Charms.
5.27: Comedian: Don't have one.
5.28: Dessert: Cake! I adore cake.
5.29: Disney character: Cinderella.
5.30: Clothing store: Don't have one.
5.31: Pastime: Reading.
5.32: Teacher: Mrs. Melillo.
5.33: Childhood toy: Dunno?
5.34: Fairground game/ride: I love Splash Mountain.
5.35: Chocolate bar: Snickers.
5.36: Magazine: Don't have one.
5.37: Salad dressing: Ranch.
5.38: Thing to do on the weekend: Lately, just relaxing.
5.39: Hot drink: Coffee.
5.40: Season: Fall.
5.41: Sport to watch: None.
5.42: Person to talk to online: Evan (and then there's Angie, Nina, Jeff).

Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits

6.1: What color are your sheets: At the moment, they're white with blue moons and yellow stars.
6.2: What color are your bedroom walls: White.
6.3: Do you have posters on your wall: No.
6.4: If so of what: See above.
6.5: Do you have a TV in your bedroom: I do.
6.6: How many pillows are on your bed: Three.
6.7: What do you normally sleep in: Not a thing.
6.8: Describe your favorite pair of pajamas: I don't know, I have so many.
6.9: What size bed do you have: Queen.
6.10: Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed: Nope.
6.11: Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom: Not my own line, but I do have a phone.
6.12: Describe the last nightmare you had: I honestly don't remember so it musn't have been too terrible.
6.13: Do you sleep with stuffed animals: That I do--there's Little E and Drew Jr. and big stuffed Peep.
6.14: Any unusual sleeping positions: Nope, I'm pretty much a side sleeper.
6.15: Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling: Not since I was 13.
6.16: Do you snore: How would I know? If someone has the answer, feel free.
6.17: How about drool: Probably. LOL.
6.18: Do you have an alarm clock in your room: Of course.
6.19: What color is the carpet in your room: Gray.
6.20: What's under your bed: Nothing.

This or that

7.1: Loser/wannabe: Neither.
7.2: Doughnuts/bagels: Doughnut.
7.3: Day/night: Night.
7.4: Heaven/Hell: Heaven.
7.5: Make love/have sex: Both.
7.6: Coffee/tea: Coffee.
7.7: Hamburgers/hotdogs: Hamburgers.
7.8: Rap/rock: Rock.
7.9: Silver/gold: Gold.
7.10: McDonalds/Taco Bell: Taco Bell.
7.11: Sweet/sour: Sweet.
7.12: Punk/emo: Punk.
7.13: Hot/cold: Hot.
7.14: Winter/Summer: Winter.
7.15: Spring/Autumn: Autumn.
7.16: Operas/plays: Plays.
7.17: Read/watch TV: Read.
7.18: CDs/tapes: CDs.
7.19: DVDs/VHS: DVDs.
7.20: Old/new: Old.
7.21: Shorts/skirts: Shorts.
7.22: Pink/red: Red.
7.23: Colored pictures/black and white photos: Color.
7.24: Meat/vegetables: Meat.
7.25: Mexican food/chinese food: Mexican.
7.26: Scary movies/comedies: Scary, because I'm not a huge fan of comedies.
7.27: Bikinis/one piece bathing suits: On me? One piece.
7.28: Dogs/cats: Dogs.
7.29: Water/land: Water.
7.30: Sugar/spice: Spice.
7.31: Black/white: Black.
7.32: Passionate kiss/peck: Passionate kiss.
7.33: WWE wrestling/real wrestling: Neither.
7.34: Back rub/foot massage: Oh, tough choice... back rub.
7.35: Pens/pencils: Pens.

Have You Ever....

8.1: Mooned anyone: Yes.
8.2: Been on a diet: Only most of my life.
8.3: Been to a foreign country: Nope.
8.4: Broken a bone: Hairline fracture, but mainly sprains. My ankles (particularly the left one) hate me.
8.5: Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling: None.
8.6: Sworn at a teacher: Not that I recall.
8.7: Talked to a Blurty/LiveJournal/Blogger member via emails or instant messages: Uh huh.
8.8: Got in a fight: A few.
8.9: Dated a teacher: No.
8.10: Laughed so hard you peed your pants: Ahem... yes.
8.11: Thought about killing your enemy: Can I plead the Fifth?
8.12: Gone skinny dipping: I have.
8.13: Met another Blurty/LifeJournal/Blogger member in the flesh: Indeed.
8.14: Told a little white lie: I'm sure I have.
8.15: Told a secret you swore not to tell: No.
8.16: Stolen anything: Yep.
8.17: Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid: Probably.
8.18: Been on TV: Not that I'm aware of.
8.19: Been on the radio: A long time ago.
8.20: Been in a mosh pit: Can't say I have.
8.21: Been to a concert: A few.
8.22: Dated one of your best friends: Yes.
8.23: Loved someone so much it makes you cry: Yes.
8.24: Deceived somebody close to you: Yes.
8.25: Broken the law: Yes.
8.26: Been to a rodeo: No.
8.27: Been on a talk show: No.
8.28: Been on a game show: No.
8.29: Been on an airplane: Yes, a couple times but I only remember one of them.
8.30: Ridden in a fire engine: No.
8.31: Come close to dying: I was pretty close when they diagnosed my illness.
8.32: Cheated on a girlfriend/boyfriend: Yes.
8.33: Given someone a piggy back ride: Yes.
8.34: Terrorised a babysitter: I don't think so.
8.35: Made a mud pie: Sure have.
8.36: Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff: All the time.
8.37: Snuck out of the house at night: Yes.
8.38: Been so drunk you don't remember your name: More than likely.
8.39: Had an eating disorder: No.
8.40: Felt like you didn't belong: Often.
8.41: Felt like the 3rd wheel: Occasionally.
8.42: Smoked: Yep.
8.43: Been arrested: No.
8.44: Gone to camp: No.
8.45: Won a bet: Once or twice.
8.46: Written a love letter: A time or two.
8.47: Gone out of your way to be with the one you love: Indeed I have and I'll do it again.
8.48: Written a love poem: Yes.
8.49: Kissed in the rain: Yes.
8.50: Slow danced with someone you love: Yes.
8.51: Participated in an orgy: Sadly (so very sadly), no.
8.52: Faked an orgasm: It's been a while.
8.53: Stolen a kiss: Yes.
8.54: Asked a friend for relationship advice: Yes.
8.55: Had a friend steal your girlfriend/boyfriend: No.
8.56: Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love: Yes.
8.57: Gotten a speeding ticket: Yes.
8.58: Done jail time: No.
8.59: Had to wear a uniform to work:Yes. Ugh. I hated Publix.
8.60: Won a trophy: No, not a trophy.
8.61: Thrown up in public: Probably.
8.62: Bowled a perfect game: Never bowled; no inclination to try.
8.63: Failed/got held back: The second grade.
8.64: Got perfect attendance in grade school: I seriously doubt it, that was an unstable time.
8.65: Roasted pumpkin seeds: Yes.
8.66: Taken ballet/karate lessons: No.
8.67: Attempted suicide: Not a chance.
8.68: Cut yourself: Not on purpose.

Childhood Stuff

9.1: Did you play with Barbies/G.I. Joes: Barbies.
9.2: Did you own Treasure Trolls: Sure thing.
9.3: Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210: Occasionally.
9.4: Did you play Simon Says: I have.
9.5: Did you watch Fraggle Rock: Oh, yes, absolutely!.
9.6: Did you wet the bed: I have no idea. Probably.
9.7: Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed: From time to time.
9.8: Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them: Heh. No.
9.9: Were you shy: Ridiculously so.
9.10: Were you spoiled: More than a bit.
9.11: Were you abused: Yes. Sexually. Not my mother, not my father.
9.12: Did you go to the circus: A couple times.
9.13: Did you go to the zoo: Still do.
9.14: Were you in a car accident: I was.
9.15: Did you build snowmen: When I was iddy biddy.
9.16: Did you cry when you scraped your knee: I'm sure I did.
9.17: Were your older cousins mean to you: No.
9.18: Did you think slinkies were cool: Of course.
9.19: Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer: No. LOL.
9.20: Were you afraid of the dark:Not particularly.
9.21: Did you have slumber parties: Yes. Lots.
9.22: Did you have New Kids on the Block sheets, pillows, pajamas, sleeping bag: No, I did not.
9.23: Did you tease your hair out like Tiffany: Of course I did.
9.24: Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy: Until someone shattered that childish bit of fancy.



At Wed Apr 11, 06:15:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, that was long. :)

Feeling as uninspired as I have lately?

At Wed Apr 11, 09:23:00 PM, Blogger Aimee said...

Indeed I am, love, and I think it might be terminal. Sigh.

And you ain't kidding on the long part--I was in danger of dozing off about halfway through. LOL.

At Thu Apr 12, 07:37:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey angel,
I can't believe you get Live wire down there!!! J and I love love love it! but it was discontinued in my state, for no apparent reason. I was looking for it all over the place and flagged down a Pepsi guy, cute too! thinking I could charm some off his truck and he told me that its no longer available here...sigh.
Marshal is the MAN! I adore him and listen to him daily! J, not so much!
By the time I got to the end of this, I was thinking we might have been twins separated at birth!
Love you!

At Thu Apr 12, 10:04:00 AM, Blogger Aimee said...

My gorgeous Nina, sadly, we don't get Live Wire down here either (hence the reason Warren is my new best friend--LOL), I usually have to wait for my cupcake Ang to send me some on my birthday and Christmas but he somehow found some up in Ft. Pierce and bought me 12 bottles which I am lovingly milking for all their delicious worth. Sigh. I've harassed the Pepsi rep a few times too but she says she can't get it. Blah!

Marshall IS the man!! Absolutely!

Twins, huh? I love it! And you!


At Tue Apr 17, 02:13:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey angel,
Now look at what I've done! I've gone and tagged you again! It's just because you're so beautiful! (My gorgeous twin! lol!)
Look and see!

Love you!


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