The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Fait Accompli.

Sigh. I am in such a mood today, a no good, very bad mood. And I really shouldn‘t be nor should I be the least bit surprised but I seem to be both so there you go.

So, yesterday, someone within close proximity to me happily informed me that they’re pregnant, preggers, knocked up, with child, etc., etc., etc. and, my personal issues with that particular condition aside, that, in and of itself, wasn’t so bad, not really, children are a lovely gift and blah blah blah, but when I consider who this "happy" news came from, it suddenly transforms into some freaky déjà vu-ish nightmare I can’t seem to wake up from.

First (and this probably one of the more cattier problems I have with this whole thing), I resent (very much resent) being put into a position where I’m forced to either lie, pretend ignorance or let my silence take sides because the person in question has decided this “happy” news needs to remain top secret, her mouth to my ear and no further. Oh, I get why she wanted it that way, I don’t suppose anyone likes to have it thrown in their face that what they’ve done is nothing short of a disaster for all involved (even those who don’t wish to be). But to throw this at me was bullshit, straight and utter bullshit because she knows full well that if I did what she asked, it‘d not only mean being dishonest with someone I love and respect but when they found out (and it‘s a given they would) I’d been dishonest, it would hurt them.

Does anyone see my dilemma here?

Second (and more importantly), children are indeed a gift, one of the greatest, but there are some people and some circumstances or situations where having a child isn’t a practical or feasible option and this is one of them. That may sound cold and if it does, I’m sorry, but in this case, it’s true. This person can barely handle the child she’s already been gifted with and financially, she’s so far buried a backhoe couldn’t dig her ass out. And that’s before adding in the secondary player and all the drama that little l'horreur des horreurs will invoke.

So, despite all the stress already circling like a pack of fucking buzzards, guess who’ll be dragged into the middle of this raucous melee? You got it, me. What fun.

Yeah, I know, I know--I’m such an insensitive bitch but I just can’t seem to help myself. Been here, done this, don’t wanna do it again.


At Tue Mar 20, 02:04:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh for the love of all things wrong in this crazy ass world!
Aim, I know exacty who you are talking about and if memory serves me - we talked about this last year as well!!

And if she's knocked up by who I'm remembering she wanted to be last time - this is a disaster of astronomicial proportions.

Oh boy do I feel awful for you for getting sucked into this, in any way shape or form.

You're not being insensitive at all. You're trying to look out for yourself and she's clearly not giving a crap about how this effects you - again.

I need to win the lottery - magical island far away, here we come!!



At Tue Mar 20, 02:15:00 PM, Blogger Aimee said...

Oh, yes, baby! Magical island indeed! I could so totally use it! I think I'll play too, try to double our chances.

And you're on the money, cupcake! And I believe your time frame is about right too.

I'm trying to stay away from it but it (or more aptly her) won't stay away from me. I don't want to be involved for various reasons, least of which is hearing her wax poetic about how she's "nesting" or carrying a "bun in the oven" or any other gag inducing variation of same--hits a raw nerve for me.

Sigh. Sucks to be me.

And thanks, you're the bestest!

I love you!


At Thu Mar 22, 05:08:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nesting? Nesting?! Seriously?? Ok, that makes me want to throw up on her pretty little shoes that she won't be able to see in a few months!! Yuck!!

And I'm assuming that she doesn't want you to tell your mom either cause she'll have a bird?

What a mess she's done gotten herself into!

Unfortunately I can't disagree that is sucks to be you right now. Cause it blows, and not in the good way.

I'm here when ever you need to vent!!

I'll have to update you on the guy thing too. I'll shoot you an email tomorrow.

I Love ya!! XO XO XO


At Thu Mar 22, 06:42:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey angel, I bet they have some really cute cabana boys on that island! Can I come too? Please, pretty please?
So sorry about your troubles sweetie,
I am here, always.
I love you


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