The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I have such a raging headache today. Boo. Hiss. Blah. I suppose that's what I get for going to bed before 10, too much sleep is just as bad as not enough sometimes.

So, peeps, what's up? I can honestly say, not too much.

"Secret Thoughts" comes out next Tuesday (yay) and I'm anxiously awaiting my author copy. Which, the lovely Ms. White tells me, is a "collector" copy due to some tiny snafu with the cover. I'm very, very excited about this book and I really hope it does well (*hint* go forth and buy, buy, buy *hint*).

Halloween's coming and my Cameron finally came to a decision about what he's wanting to be this year and wouldn't you know it, they're freaking "sold-out" of that particular costume at every store I go to. Sigh. Cameron was none to happy, let me tell you. But, thankfully, Drew has come to the rescue and alls well in Cameron's world again. What he wants to be is a "Zombie Skateboarder" (can you believe that costume was sold out?) so we're just going to recreate the costume ourselves (it's just some torn jean shorts, skull boxers, skate shoes and finger gloves) and Drew's going to airbrush his face/body to look like a zombie and give him a fab blue mohawk.

My mom is wanting to dress up this year and Christie usually does a little something but I, personally, don't want to be anything but myself. Cameron, of course, has other ideas.

Our neighbors are throwing a Halloween party this Saturday evening and Cameron's way excited. Drew, not so much because that means Cameron's costume will be getting a trial run. Heh. But it should be fun for kids and adults alike. I'd love to throw one myself because they have the awesomest decorations for Halloween themed parties but, sadly, finances won't allow for such frivolity.

I'm FINALLY getting accustomed to my new infusion therapy but it's looking like an impending change in insurance companies/coverage may force me to go back to the old way. Isn't that just the way? Ah well, c'est la vie. You know?

All of our scaly critters are doing just dandy. Growing and developing their own unique personalities.

And our furry critters are doing peachy as well, they've (with the exception of Baxter) been around for a good long while so their personalities are already in place.

Work is still trucking along and recently I've begun to have a smidgen of hope that it might be alright, at least in the short term. Drew is still not working full time but he's out busting hump everyday trying to get some jobs lined up.

Well, I'm sure there's something(s) I'm leaving out but I honestly can't think of anything right now so I guess that's all folks.

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