The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Monday, September 11, 2006


I never thought I'd say it, but I'm so glad it's Monday!

I've gotta tell you, I had such an icky and truly un-fabulous weekend. Why? You ask. Well, it might be because I rarely get so much as five minutes to myself anymore and it's starting to drive me insane? Or it could be the fact that on the one day I did manage to get some time completely to myself I had to spend it cleaning up and rearranging the obstacle course that has become my room before I the clutter and mess and shit everywhere caused me to blow a gasket (it was very, very close on that one).

There were so many things I wanted to do this weekend, but in the end, I accomplished none of those things. Sure, I cleaned and I arranged and I rearranged (my room, the hallway, the stairs, Cameron's room, the fucking hall closet--everywhere there is someone elses stuff taking up residence) and I did laundry (and more laundry), but the beta'ing I promised I'd do for SLBD--didn't get done, too many people, too many distractions (I'm sorry Thaly-Ann, it's at the top of my list), the writing I was longing to do for myself--nope, no privacy, no time and too tired, the book I've been staring at for a week--still staring at it and will probably continue to do so. There's more, but you get the gist.

This complete and utter demise of my private time is starting to wear on me and worse, Cameron, he hates it. Since Christie and Sarah have decided to take up residence in my house, he's lost his private space because they sleep in there and he's not happy about it.

There was a minor meltdown last night over this little bobble head Teen Titans toy he received as a Christmas gift from one of my favorite people. You see, Robin's head comes off, no biggie, I can put it back on and wallah, all fixed, but putting it back on is a tad hard to do when the head in question has been taken off and hidden by little fingers other than Cameron's. And damned if I know where it is? I looked a bit while he was having a tantrum, but it was bedtime and he needed to be in the bed big time (he's such a grouch when he's sleepy) so I promised him we'd launch a massive search for Robin's head when I get home from work today and we will.

Something needs to change like right now and I've said as much to my mom. I love my family, I really do and I'll do just about anything to help them and when it was just my mom, it was no problem because she doesn't bother anything, she respects every ones space and she picks up after herself, etc. but I don't have the room to house Christie and Sarah as well and having to give up his space and have his things broken and what-not isn't fair to my son.

And I wish I had a fix for this problem, but I don't. I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do, you know? It sucks.

Oh well, that's enough bitching from me for one day. I hope everyone else had a pleasant weekend.


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