The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Aimee's Entry - Home SWEET Home...

If it wasn't so dirty, I'd kiss the ground. Definitely. I'm home. Thank God.

Yesterday around 1:00 pm while I was at work, I started having chest pains and it hurt like a bitch to breathe. I did what I always do and ignored it as long as possibe. I mean, I'd just been to the doctor Monday where she told me I have some serious issues to deal with so, I figured I was just having an anxiety attack. But by 4:30, I started to think that maybe it wasn't an anxiety attack after all because the pain wasn't going anywhere and my breathing was starting to get shallow because when I took normal breaths it felt like someone was stabbing me in the heart. It hurt. At 4:45, I drove my stubborn ass to the hospital (psst... f.y.i., if the words "chest pain" come out of your mouth in the emergency room, you're swept back in less than 5 minutes, no waiting room time at all... I was impressed).

Anyway, the next 6 hours were miserable. I had an EKG, a Venous Doppler, an X-ray of my heart, an X-ray of my lungs, a CT scan of my lungs, I was forced to chew (not fucking swallow) aspirin, they put a patch of nitropaste on my chest (that stuff gives you a wicked evil migraine), I was hooked up to a heart monitor (those little sticky circles itch), they started an IV and proceded to draw a gazillion tubes of blood.

And then they admitted me. Fuckers.

I'm fine though, I didn't have a heart attack, I didn't throw a blood clot or have a pulmonary embolism, which is what the ER doctor was worried about. In the end what was causing all the chest pain and breathing problems was inflammation of my chest wall due to an infection. So, they sprung me at 2:00 pm this afternoon and told me that until the infection cleared up and the inflammation went down, I'd most likely continue to have pain but they gave me some antibiotics to help clear up the infection.

I missed my infusion though because I was at North Broward Medical Center and I have my infusions at Imperial Point. My immunologist doesn't work out of North Broward so they said I'd have to reschedule my infusion where I normally have it. I thought that was bullshit because they're all part of the North Broward Hospital District but I guess they have their rules. Oh well. So, I'm home and it feels fabulous.

And I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who left comments on my last two posts, it means a lot to me.

I'm tired tonight (sleeping in the hospital when your roommate is an old lady who spends the majority of the night yelling at the nurses isn't easy) but tomorrow we'll talk about something happy. Like maybe my birthday? It's coming up, ya know?

Goodnight y'all.


At Thu Jul 14, 03:15:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Your birthday's coming up? When?

At Thu Jul 14, 04:22:00 AM, Blogger Jay said...

Bloody hell, that's quite an ordeal. Glad you're ok now.

You ARE ok now, right?


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