The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Monday, July 11, 2005

Angie's Entry - Weekend Recap

Well, this weekend was about as boring as it could be. So if you're looking for excitement, stop reading now! LOL

I was susposed to go with my mom out to South Dakota to where Brother is moving to at the end of the summer. So I spent most of last week trying to figure out what to do with the dog, who was going to watch her, how many days I should take off work. My mom couldn't decide when to leave, Friday in the morning, but maybe she should go to work but she'd only work until noon, or maybe not go in at all, or go in but we'd leave around 3 or wait until after rush hour and leave at 7. OH MY GOSH!!! MAKE UP YOUR MIND WOMAN!!! Sheesh!

I'm a planner. I like to know when I need to be somewhere so I can be there 10 minutes early. Just in case. So by the time Thursday rolled around, I still hadn't a clue as to whether I was even for sure going or not. My mom called the hotel and it was only gonna be $5 per night to bring the child, so I decided to bring the child. I could fold her kennel down and take it with. So I meet Katie to walk and told her I'm running home, grabbing something to eat and I'll see her at Nicole's ball game at 8.

I decided to bring the dog with me to the ball field and seriously? I didn't get across the playing field and two little children, who's parents seemed to be missing, latched onto me (and the dog) and would not leave either of us alone. My dog is not comfortable around children, mostly, because I'm the only one that can touch her face. And you know little kids, the first thing they do is go for a dog's head. After a while, the kids finally went away. The dog calmed down and that's when my mom called. I guess the room the school had booked for my brother only had one bed, so would I mind staying home?
*sigh* No, that's fine.
Are you sure?
Yeah, it's fine. Don't worry about it mom.
They said their going to bring in a roll away bed for Brother when he gets here. I'm sorry hon.
It's fine mom, I'll sleep in and get some stuff done around the house.
Could I ask you another favor?
Can I borrow another $50? I'll write you a check on friday for the $100 I already owe you and for the 50, if you can swing it. I know you're probably digging into your house payment money.
No, that's fine. I'll stop by after I leave the ballfield. Do you want a check or should I hit a cash machine and get you cash?
If you could stop at a cash machine that would be great.

Now don't get me wrong, I'll do anything to help my mom out, she's done damn near anything for me. But I'm already tight on money as it is. I won't even being to start going on about that, cause it's not what I wanted to post about.

So Friday I got to sleep in, which was nice. I cleaned the downstairs of my house which gets the messiest. It's where I spend most of my time when I'm home. I met Katie to go walking then we went back to her house. Jason was in the garage working on the motor for his camero.
I had a craving for brocoli in garlic sauce, so I ran and got some and we hung outside for a while longer. Until the mosquito's came out. We headed inside and watched TV and talked for a while then I headed home.

Saturday, I slept until 9 or so. Got up, showered, made breakfast then plopped my fat ass in front of the TV and stared at that until 5. Got up, stopped at the gas station, filled the Prix up got a couple packs of smokes and headed back down to J & K's for a BBQ. Mmmm, nothing better on the grill than burgers when it's 8-gazillion degrees outside with 9-gazillion percent humidity.

While we were sitting in the garage and a guy that I used to have a thing with walked by with his dog. I was perched on my ex's motorcycle (It used to be Jim's then he sold it to Jason) and dude did a double take. He finally cleared ear shot and Katie turned to me and I'm like, when did he get fat?
I know, makes ya wonder what you were thinking huh?
No, not at all. Back in the day he was fuckin hot. Not that he's not now, but he's gained some weight and what happend to his tan? Damn shame is what it is.

We decided we needed ice cream so off to Dairy Queen we went!! Katie and I go to Dairy Queen every summer a few times. It's a thing that her and I do. I rarely go without her. She's dieting, but gives herself permission to "cheat" every once and a while.

P.S. the Chocolate French Silk Pie Blizzard is fab. I need another one. Soon. I've been very, very good about staying away from Cold Stone. As a matter of fact, I haven't been to Cold Stone since I went in Hawai'i. Snaps for me!

Went backto the house, pulled some lawn chairs out into the garage door, where the breeze was blowing and hung out. Katie and I walked down to the neighbor's house that we used to hang at all the time and said hello to him. Then walked back to the house. He came down a little while later and joined us as we sat looking at the stars and listening to the traffic go by. It was a pretty peaceful night.

Ok, ok, I know what you're all waiting for.

I texted Aaron on Friday while I was waiting for my take out and haven't heard a thing back. I'm trying hard to blow it off, thinking he (hopefully) is busy with a new job and that's why he hasn't as much as said hi to me. Cause ya know, how did he put that? "we need to do a better job keeping in touch" Oh, ok, cause I texted you every fuckin day for a week and then you finally text me back 5 days later? But apparently this is something I need to work on? Hmm, let's get that right shall we hunny? Riiiiiight.

So no. I haven't heard anything from Aaron. I'm beginning to think I made to much of this in the first place. I shouldn't have gotten so excited about him being back in my life. It's not like there's anything happening with Pete either. Oh well, I'm perfectly happy being on my own. I learned a long time ago I don't need anyone to make me happy but me.

In house news, I have a new leak!!! My downstairs bathroom sprung a leak over the weekend. Now just a brief history on my house. Before I even moved in I had two floods. This "new" leak is coming from the ceiling in the downstairs bathroom. The ceiling is sagging and it's right under where my tub in the upstairs bathroom is. *sigh* Super, just what I needed.

So lemme have it, I can take it. Whatcha ya'll think?

Oh, and amateur plumbers out there, any advice?

Peace out homies.

Aimee, I love ya babe. Don't ever forget that. I know life sucks right now, but there's gotta be brghter days ahead, there's just gotta be!


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