The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Aimee--Life's a bitch...

And Wilson's an asshole (I suspect if you don't happen to watch "House" you'll have no clue who I'm speaking of, but that's okay, it's not important).

Anyhow, it's only half past two and I am so ready to get out of here, but alas, I've got two and a half hours to go. Sigh.

You know, I was reading my horoscope earlier and it was the most ass-backwards, asinine horoscope I believe I've ever read. Apparently my partner and I are tip toeing around each other over a sensitive emotional issue that's been festering, but no worries, we're in for a passionate and wild ride this night because our connection is stronger than ever. Huh? How does that make any sense what-so-ever? If we're tip toeing around each other over a festering emotional issue, how in the hell is our connection stronger than ever? If I was one who took any stock in my horoscope, with that contradictory nonsense, I'd be a bloody mess today. It's a good thing I don't, huh? And personally, I'd take the latter (who wouldn't), but since I'll not be seeing either of the men who fan my flame this night, no wild and passionate rides will be making their way onto my agenda. Pity.

And I have to go shopping tonight. My mom needs a few things and I've a birthday present to pick up. Typically I don't mind shopping, but there will undoubtedly be other people there and because I'm feeling so bitchy lately, they'll undoubtedly annoy me. Ah well, it must be done so I'll trudge on and try very hard not to verbally harm anyone. Wish me luck.

I recommenced my Curves work-outs Monday night (it'd been two weeks) and I swear, the next time I slack off and skip so many work-outs, I will happily kick my own ass for it, seriously, my body was not feeling too friendly with me afterward. We're going back tonight for round two and I'm hoping my body feels a bit more jovial this go 'round.

I finally made my hotel reservations for my vacation this morning, with the haphazardness of payroll the last couple weeks, I was beginning to think I'd be doing it at the last minute and that would've seriously messed with my somewhat obsessive compulsive sense of organization. So, I'm happy it's done.

And that's really all she wrote. I hope you're all having a perfectly pleasant week.


At Thu Sep 14, 12:45:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

yay reservations!

And yeah, Wilson was an a-hole

At Thu Sep 14, 07:03:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said... watch "House". Me TOO!!

Mostly so that I can drool over Jesse Spencer. But you know, I watch it for the "story line" too.


At Thu Sep 14, 12:34:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Yay indeed, Evan, love. Wasn't he? Ugh.

I concur, Jason, Jesse Spencer is pretty hot, but I have to tell you (and people always look at me like I'm crazy when I say this), but I have a big thing for Hugh Laurie! He has the most incredible eyes. Mmm.


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