The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Aimee--Saints be praised...

I finally tackled all the e-mail I've been blissfully ignoring. And since I know at least one of the people who's e-mail I was ignoring happens to visit here, I'd just like to say, it was nothing personal, honest, I've just been incredibly busy and abnormally uninspired the last couple weeks.

Aside from being wicked busy, I suppose life's been treating me alright lately. There have been a couple icky moments, like the creepy burglar Friday morning who broke into my neighbors house and pilfered a few things before moving on to my garage where he, thanks to the kid three houses down passing by on his way to the bus stop, didn't steal a thing. But, still, it's more than a bit creepy to me that some asshole broke into my garage (and exactly how he managed to do that baffles me), which is only separated from the house by a door, and was in there rifling through my stuff.

And then there's the ear infection I managed to pick up and the complete destruction of my stomach lining the antibiotics for that little gem caused. Gods, I don't think I've ever taken anything that made me even remotely as sick as that shit did. It was like hell on earth. Seriously. Never again. Ever.

On a happier note... Cameron, my mom and I pulled out all of the outside Halloween decorations yesterday and spent a fun-filled hour or so putting them up. And it looks rather spooktacular, if I do say so myself! Heh.

Oh, oh, oh!! A little birdie told me that my best pal Angie is sending something my way! YAY! And I am super-excited! I do love me some fun mail and I so rarely get any, it's always bills-bills-bills, so knowing that something fun is heading my way is positively delightful. And I have to tell you, my Ang always sends me the most splendid things! I can't wait!

Plus, I only have a week left before I leave for vacation and that, my friends, is a very lovely thing.

And that's all there is really. It's almost 5 o'clock, time to close up and head home. I hope you're all having a fabulous week.


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