The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Friday, September 22, 2006

Aimee--I (heart) Fridays!

Remember when I said I've been in a rather fantastic mood this week? Yeah, well, no worries, I still am, but I have to tell you, yesterday was an incredibly icky day (at least on the work front). I kid you not, the phone would absolutely not stop ringing, it was super-annoying (to say the least) and at one point, I informed Bill that if he didn't get Mike out of my office there was a good chance that my head would explode. Bill told me to help try and keep my sanity intact I should just start counting the days until my vacation cause they're getting shorter and it'll be here before I know it (oh, yes, please--I need a break in a big way). But Dios mio, I was so happy when 5 o'clock rolled around yesterday that I very nearly cried.

Then it was home for my infusion and I must've been extra exhausted because shortly after she pushed the premeds, I was out and I don't remember much of anything after that. My mom said I got up for a bit and had a conversation with her somewhere around 10 PM, but I sure as hell don't remember doing so.

And, Oh. My. God., last evening while I was waiting for my nurse to arrive, I was sitting out front with Cameron watching him play some skateboarding game on his Game Boy when he suddenly asked me...

"How come you don't talk to me about grown-up stuff?"

"Well, that's cause you're not a grown-up yet, monkey." (I call Cameron "monkey", don't ask, I don't know?)

"But you should talk to me about grown-up stuff."

"Yeah? Like what?"

"Like where babies come from?"

Oh boy. Goodness. My God. And I think not.

I very slyly, and without providing any real information, tiptoed around that one, but where in the hell did that come from? He's six for goodness sake, it's entirely too early to be discussing where babies come from. Seriously.

In other news, Christie is driving me absolutely bat shit crazy with her obsession over MySpace. Sigh. I did not want a MySpace page, I'm not looking to network, date, etc., etc., etc., so what on earth would I need to go creating yet another page that I will undoubtedly neglect (kinda like my Yahoo 360 page)? But alas, because she consistently harassed me about it, I created one in hopes of ceasing the harassment! But has it stopped? No, it has not! She's just moved from harassing me to create one to harassing me about how boring my page is. I shit you not, she has sent me at least 10 e-mails today with links to sites that specialize in MySpace graphics so I can "fix" my page. If she sends me anymore I'm afraid I'm going to lose my bloody mind! So, what will I do? You ask. Well, I'll fix it, of course, because knowing my sister as I do, she'll never (and I mean never) stop the harassing until it's done.

Okay, rant over.

Well, that's about it from me for today. I hope everyone has a peachy weekend.


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