The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I am having such an awful week. Sigh. I swear, if I were one to drink, I'd be dead ass, falling down, toe up drunk right about now, but alas, I'm not really, so that strangely appealing idea is out.

My mom hasn't been feeling well, she has a cold or something, and it's made her abnormally evil the last couple days. She was actually much better tonight, but I tell you, last night, if she'd have made one more remark about how I'm lacking in certain areas when it comes to being a mother, I do believe I might've gone stark raving mad. I've never claimed to be the best mother or even a particularly good one, but I'm not a bad one either. Anyhow, between my mom's evil mood and Cameron deciding that last night would be a good night to try and push ALL my buttons, I ended up with a pounding headache that kept me up until almost 3 in the morning. That fucking sucked hard.

Today's been better, but I've been dragging all day because I didn't get enough sleep last night and that made work a tad more challenging than it should've been.

Good news is, it's only Tuesday so there's a chance it'll get better (hope springs eternal, my friends), we're having a cold front so it wasn't oppressively hot today and I managed to get the rest of Cameron's Halloween costume tonight (and I was having some serious doubts about that one) which made the little monster happy, so it's all good. And I don't even have the urge to physically harm Drew for not getting it while I was gone like I asked him to. Even better.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I got my birthday gifts from Angie the night before I left for California and they were all super-fantastic! Bath confetti, a wonderland of yummy lip glosses, shower gel, a delicious smelling candle, a bunch of adorable little post-it pads (yay), a sweet little charm for my cell phone, some salacious tips from the delectable Jenna Jamison and a 20 oz. bottle of Mountain Dew Live Wire. I loved it. All of it. Thank you, cupcake! You're the bestest and I love you most emphatically!

Well, that's it, I think. I hope you're all having a far lovelier week than I. Night.


At Fri Oct 27, 12:07:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I hope your week's gotten better, babe

At Fri Oct 27, 12:42:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

Meh, sorta. My mom's gotten a 'lil better and that's helped smooth things out a bit. And thank you for caring, love.


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