The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Aimee's Entry

Evan... I'll get to your question in a sec sweetheart.

Jay...Thank you *hug* and yes, I'm okay. I'm still hurting a bit but they said I would.

Matt... I'm keepin' on. Absolutely. Thank you.

Jason... Thank you. Yeah, pluerisy is what I thought when they told me I had an infection around the lungs and the symptoms fit. It's probably due to the fact that I had that upper respiratory infection from February through hell, I think it was sometime in June when I finished my 5th dose of antibiotics. Hmm... Dr. Jason? I like it *smile*

So, on to happier stuff...

I'll start with Cameron because as lousy as I felt when I came home yesterday he managed to make me smile. I just love him so much.

Cameron stayed with my mom while I was in the hospital and she brought him home last night. After she left we were sitting on the couch and he said...

"I missed you when I was at gramma's."

"I missed you too baby."

He leaned back and looked up at me, "Ya know what?"

"What sweetie?"

"When I grow up, I'm gonna marry you."

Awww... "You can't marry me baby, I'm your mom besides your daddy already married me."

"Yes, I can."

"No, sweetie you can't marry me but don't worry, you'll find someone you love and you'll marry that person."

He put his little hand on my face and said in all the seriousness his 5 year old heart could muster, "No, I'm gonna marry you because I love you and I want to be with you forever."

I'm not ashamed to say that I cried like a baby. Did I mention how much I love that little monster?

Now, on to my birthday....

I'll be turning 30 on August 4th (but shhh, don't tell anyone cause Angie and I are both card-carrying members of the "29-forever" club). My mom was going to throw me a party but I told her I'd rather go away somewhere so, she's taking me to Disney World for three days toward the end of August. I'm so EXCITED. Thats' my absolute favorite place to go!! I know, I know... I'm like an overgrown kid but I just can't help it. I've pretty much gotten all of my presents already... my trip to Disney and my tickets to The Anger Management Tour 3 (<< I'm excited about that too) but I still have to choose where I want to go for dinner? I don't know? I'm still tossing it around. Somewhere fun, I think. I could use fun.

With my birthday coming up it reminds me of the present Cameron gave me last year... It was the absolute SWEETEST thing. He bought me a 'Princess Barbie Doll' with a life-size plastic tiara. After I opened it my mom asked him to explain why he picked that out for me.

He said, "Cause you're a princess and I want to be your prince."

Sweet, sweet, sweet.

Thanks again for all the love and support, it means more than I could possibly express. *KISSES*


At Thu Jul 14, 08:15:00 PM, Blogger AJ said...

Hi, I'm sort of a new follower (been following for a while) and I can't help but be touched by your posts. Keep ya chin up and please accept my hugs & prayers.

At Fri Jul 15, 03:40:00 AM, Blogger grave_creek said...

AWWWWWW.....that kid is soooo sweet!!!!!can he be any cuter??!!!while reading your post i just wanted to hug him!!!(lol!! and not in a michael jackson way!!) know thats the kind of kid id like to addopt one day.....too cute for words!!!

At Fri Jul 15, 06:34:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Aimee,

I've just read your blog and knowing that you have been very sick this week makes me sad and upset... I hope you feel better now sweetheart ! I give you a BIG hug !! Tell me how you feel...

I've just finished to clean up my new apartment today. I couldn't believe I had sooo many things in those boxes ! It's strange to live alone now... I was used to live with other persons since 6 years so to be alone in my own apartment is a little bit strange. If everything is okay, I will send you some pics of Detroit tomorrow ;) and maybe one of Marcus, my little kitty !

Did you receive my last message ? I wanted to have some news from you in the beginning of the week. I missing you sweetie !! I want you to know that I'm there if you need anything...

Love you !

Thaly-Ann xxxx

At Sat Jul 16, 09:47:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

androjane... Thank you :) and I'll glady accept your hugs & prayers!!

g_c... Oh gosh, you had me over here giggling (not in a Michael Jacson way -- hee hee -- that was GREAT). Thank you babe, he is pretty cute (sometimes).

Thaly-Ann... Hey baby, welcome back!!! Yes, I got your e-mail, I'm sorry I haven't answered you yet, it's just been a bad time lately. I'll sit down and write you a nice long e-mail as soon as I get a chance. Ooo, I can't wait to see your pics of Detroit and Marcus too - YAY - I love pictures. Em's concert is coming up and I'll have to take some pictures to send you :) And you'll adjust to your new apartment, no worries, it's always strange living on your own but you get used to it. I've missed you sweetheart and I love you back. Always.

Jacky... Thank you darlin', he is a cutie :)

Jason... Yes, kids are the greatest medicine, they can cure just about everything. Thanks for the birthday wishes and I'm going to do my best to enjoy Disney World ;)

Matt... And some tales I'll tell after my trip, maybe I'll post some pictures too, we shall see.

Sadly, Cameron isn't going with me this time (oh, stop frowning - LOL - he's been before... twice). We took him last June and then on his 2nd birthday we took him to Magic Kingdom and Islands of Adventure -- he had a blast both times but last year was so much better because he was old enough to absord everything. But this time my mom said she'd only arrange the trip if I left my men at home because she thinks I need some time just for me.


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