The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


I’ve been so tired lately. I don’t know why, really? Depression? Angst? Stress? All of the above? And I remember now why Friday night was alright--I slept it away--got home at 6, was asleep by 6:20, my dad woke me up around 9 because he said I needed to eat something and I was back in bed by 10:20--I didn’t resurface until around 10 on Saturday morning. It can’t possibly be bad if you’re unconscious, right?

Anyhow, when I got home from work this evening, I was beat. I dragged my tired ass up the stairs and stood there in the doorway of my room staring longingly at my bed--the house was quiet (Cameron is in Okeechobee with my mom for a couple days), I was tired and I couldn’t think of one thing that I absolutely had to do. And a nap sure sounded heavenly. So I crawled into bed with my lover, curled myself into him (or rather, around him) and indulged in what was a splendid two hours of nothingness. Heaven indeed.

Have I never mentioned my lover? No? For shame. My love is a tiny little thing and he’s a bit on the pale side and it’s strange really, but he has a thing for these cute little red ear muffs, I swear, he never takes them off (I think they’re sewn in--the poor thing). But that’s no matter because Little E (don’t ask, I won’t tell) loves me and he’s always there to comfort me when I need him (and even when I don’t). And best of all, he never complains when I’m cranky or clingy or weepy or whiny or (bless him) when I smother and smoosh his cute little body (though I do wish he’d stay under my chin where I put him, somehow the ornery little thing always ends up snuggled comfortably between my breasts--I think he does it on purpose). No, he just loves me. And I love him.

So I’m feeling pretty good, still a bit tired, but good.


At Thu Apr 13, 08:23:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

t'would be quite the wonderful place to snuggle


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