The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Sunday, November 19, 2006


I'm late (I'm sorry, Drew!)--for shame! And I swear, I meant to post something Friday night, but I fell asleep just after dinner, then again on Saturday night, but it was pretty much a repeat of Friday night (apparently I was a bit sleepy), so I never got anything posted, but I meant to, I did!

My follow-up appointment with Dr. F on Friday went alright, I suppose, it was pretty much just a carbon copy of the last one, only add a bunch of embarrassing personal questions to this one, and minus that whole admittance into the hospital part.

And we're basically still clueless. But, Dr. F did say, if my body follows the natural order of things in a bit over a week here and the pain continues to persist for a week or so after that, he thinks I should consider having the laproscopic exploratory surgery to try and determine what's causing the pain. Although, I have to tell you, after he finished naming all the things that "could" go wrong during that procedure, I'm not thinking it's a really good idea. If they had even an inkling of an idea what they were looking for maybe I'd be more comfortable with it, but at this point, I don't think it's a good idea, not for me. And that's really all he's got for me right now.

But I'm home and for the most part, I'm doing okay. I am sorry for causing any worry by taking too long to post, though, but it was lovely to know that someone cared. Thanks!

And I hope every one is having a splendid weekend.


At Sun Nov 19, 09:46:00 PM, Blogger Drew said...

Ok, I'm glad you posted. I think what you posted is a mixxed bag because I really was worried there for a bit... so while I understand you're STILL in pain( and that sucks) it's not like your currently confined to the hosipital( which could be worse).

Not sure how you and yours celebrate T-day but feel bad that this is looming over your head- not sure whether surgery before the holiday would be better because then it would be over, or whether having turkey with family might be good for what ails you.

Odds are I'm going to be off line from Tuesday Morning until I get back on Friday... while I'm sure there's a computer at my dad's house I don't want to mess with it... as the last thing I want to do is break something and give his wife an excuse not to let me and my bros use the apartment again...
But I do wish you well and if there's good or bad news- please blog about it so I can know what's up.
But( smirk) that said- rest up, I'd rather you slept or put your mind to getting better then felt you had to blog.

take care- and by all means don't worry about diet until AFTER thanksgiving. Though by all means try to guilt your mom into doing most of the work

At Wed Nov 22, 02:31:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm so glad you're ok. I wish things were perfect though.


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