The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Sunday, November 12, 2006


I'd really love to wax poetic about pretty much anything right now, but I'm tired, I hurt and I feel like utter shit, so, it just ain't gonna happen. You feel me?

Anyhow, I just wanted to say thanks to the few of you who expressed concern for me and my well being while I've been dealing with this wretchedly miserable shit that's plagued me since last Sunday. Sincerely, it's comforting to know that people care.

Much to my dismay, the wretchedly miserable shit hasn't been kind enough to go away and leave me in peace. But, interestingly enough, I do believe that Dr. F's last ditch, grasping-at-straws, perhaps-that's-it diagnosis just before he discharged me from hell Thursday night might actually be correct. Who'da thunk it? And it's a good damn thing I didn't tell the man he was out of his fucking mind (as I was sorely tempted to do) when he mentioned it because, well, if he is in fact correct, I'm thinking that major mishap on my part would no doubt make my follow-up later this week slightly uncomfortable. Ah well, I think what I'm needing is an appointment with Dr. C (she'd be my immunologist) because, if he is correct, she'd be the one who'll ultimately have to fix it.

Anyway, thanks again for the love and concern, it means more than I can say. Truly.


At Mon Nov 13, 03:25:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

So they think your pain and suffering has something to do with your immune stuff? That's rather confusing, how that could result in a cyst?

Hmm. Keep me posted.

I'm glad you're at home though, easier to get some rest when you're in your own bed.

At Tue Nov 14, 04:50:00 AM, Blogger Drew said...

Yeah... I'm not a doctor, but like angie I fail to see how a cyst could be bringing you warm fuzzies....

But if it's not the cyst that's causing you pain that sounds like a double wammy as a) cyst b) pain and if a is cured you still have b and vica versa.


Get better!

Feel better!

Get rest!

At Tue Nov 14, 05:06:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

It was all actually quite confusing, you see, Dr. F suggested Thursday as he was writing up my discharge orders that, because I've maintained from the onset of all this that I've been wicked, nasty, no-fun nauseous and I developed some other flu-like symptoms while I was in the hospital, perhaps my pain is actually due to a gastro-intestinal issue (which, from what I hear, can cause some pretty righteous pain) and the cyst was really just superfluous because, in his medical opinion, ovarian cysts are fairly common and mine would probably never have been discovered at all if my PCP hadn't ordered a CT Scan because he thought I was having an appendicitis.

Did you follow all that?

Honestly, just looking back over it gave me a raging headache.

I'm not so sure about his theory because sure, I absolutely (still) have flu-like symptoms, but this constant ache in my lower right abdomen/pelvic region that wakes me from sleep if I position myself wrong, or hell, sit-move-breathe the wrong way doesn't feel so gastro-intestinal to me.

I dunno--I'm basically just dealing with it at this point.

But, I thank you both for the care and concern, it gives me a case of the warm fuzzies (the good kind).

Love, hugs and kisses,

At Wed Nov 15, 09:55:00 AM, Blogger Drew said...


Well I hope the doctors do SOMETHING for you besides poking you with a stick and hoping you get better on your own. I know that lack of sleep just makes a person grumpy and all out of wack...

and that you have another appointment with SOMEONE at the end of this week so they can check back with you and see if you are ACTUALLY getting better.

good thoughts coming your way...


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