The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Well, while I don't particularly feel all that much better, my mood has become a lot sunnier, which is rather odd I know, but I'm not gonna complain cause this improvement in my mood means I no longer wish to physically harm anyone (or not too many people) and that's a lovely thing.

I finally scheduled my follow-up appointment with Dr. F, it wasn't looking good for a bit there because they kept bouncing me to voice mail and I fucking hate voice mail, but someone finally answered this morning so we're all good, I see the man this Friday at 9:40 in the morning. The surgeon (who's name I now know because he left it on the message that he, for reasons that elude me, left on my mom's cell phone) wants me to give him a ring and really, I've tried, but there's another office that constantly bounces you to voice mail and honestly, I have no patience for that nonsense so whether or not I actually ever get to find out why it is he's wanting to speak with me remains a mystery, but I'm figuring he just wants a follow-up too.

Have I ever mentioned how I still, to this day, maintain a huge case of "hero worship" for Dr. F? He did deliver my Cameron after all, how could he not be a hero?

Speaking of Cameron, that child has gone and done something (completely accidental, mind you) that will no doubt have me bickering with one of the neighbors (again). Sigh. I just want a little peace, you know? Is that too much to ask? Plus, I feel entirely too icky to be arguing with anyone over anything just now. Sucks to be me. Drew suggested last night that when she finally manages to corner me (and that'll more than likely be tonight--dammit) I should just tell her to kiss my ass and had she actually caught me last night, I just might've, but I'm not thinking that'd be the best move. So, I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to handle this one yet, but it'll no doubt be interesting.

I finally roused myself enough to get the invitations for Cameron's birthday party, now I just need to fill them out and get them in the mail (preferably BEFORE his birthday party) so I can get an idea of how many kids we're talking, you know, for party favor purposes and all--I have to order the damn things online because apparently Party City doesn't think Tony Hawk is near as cool as Cameron does. And mores the pity because I'd really rather just buy it there.

Anyhow, since I haven't done much more than lay on my fat ass for the last week and a half (although, I did go back to work this week and I'm really not at all happy about it), I had plenty of time to compose a nice long list of songs I want Christie to download so she can make me a CD (she'll probably bitch but I don't care, I want them!)and catch up on my reading (JD Robb's new book "Born in Death" is bad ass) and watch a whole mess of TV. Sounds productive, eh? I could've (and probably should've) written at least one of the three short (that'd be between 1000 and 2500 words) erotica stories I have to have ready for submittal by April, but meh, I have plenty of time and because I appear to love self-torture, I always do shit last minute.

And that's about all I got. I hope every ones having a lovely week.


At Thu Nov 16, 08:02:00 AM, Blogger Drew said...

Ok first to the last... on the one hand I feel bad as I haven't read ANY of your erotica links... though a) I mean to and b) I've been reading ALOT of one erotica site I like which means I gotta find a new source as she hasn't been writing recently...
However that said I find it somewhat funny that someone HAS to write erotica. I mean I can almost picture as you're about to lock yourself in your room with your computer, candles and other things to "get you in the mood"... telling Cameron not to bother mommy as she has to do VERY important work and catch up on her writing.

glad you're in a better mood even if nothing supports it. A sunny dispostion sometimes shouldn't be questioned for fear of violent mood swing in the other direction.

Sorry to hear Cameron got in trouble with the neighbors again. Sounds like there are a bunch of punk ass kids near you( or is it the same family over and over?>)

And scubs is on is on comedy central... I'm not sure if they're showing them in order but it's pretty fun, as you already know.

Of course tell us friday night how things go... won't be on until late, but still want to know.

At Sat Nov 18, 11:22:00 PM, Blogger Drew said...

It's saturday night... and NOT A PEEP.

I really hope things went well for you friday morning and you're not in the hospital right now.

Sending good thoughts your way... please let us know how it's going when you can- esp. as I'm going to be away from the computer for a few days for T-day...


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