The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Dreaded Holiday Meme.

For no other reason than I'm a wee bit bored at the moment...

1. Do you have a real or fake Christmas tree?
Real, real, real! Real, I say!

2. Do you put up Christmas lights on the exterior of your home?
Sure do.

3. What’s your favorite Christmas song/carol?
Hmm, White Christmas or perhaps, Winter Wonderland, but honestly, Christmas music mostly just annoys me.

4. What do you like better - turkey or ham?

5. Do you open up any Christmas presents on Christmas Eve?
It's usually PJ's on Christmas Eve (but financial difficulties have nixed that little tradition this year) and the rest Christmas morning.

6. Have you ever been Christmas caroling?
When I was but a wee thing (okay maybe a bit bigger than "wee"), we used to go Christmas caroling every year on Christmas Eve.

7. What’s your favorite Christmas movie?
It's a Wonderful Life.

8. Have you ever built a real snowman?
I have not, but I want to!

9. Have you ever peeked into a present and found out what it was before Christmas?
Can I plead the fifth on this one? Oh, alright, yes! There, I've said it! Are you happy now?

10. What is on the top of your Christmas tree?
A fiber optic angel and she's bea-u-ti-ful!

11. Do you own a Santa hat?
I used to, but somewhere along the line I lost the silly thing.

12. When was the last time you had your picture taken with Santa Claus?
A few years ago (Oh, be quiet!).

13. Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?
Almost done (almost...).

14. Do you put candy canes on your Christmas tree?
Nah, sugar ants have this weird way of managing to get on EVERYthing.

15. Who is the hardest person to buy for?
Umm, with my horrible sense of unoriginality, just about everyone.

16. Who is the easiest person to buy for?
If I'm forced to pick, it'd be Cameron.

17. Travel at Christmas or stay at home?
Home, but there is someone I'd travel for.

18. What does your morning of Christmas routine consist of?
Chaos. Heh. Let's see, my son (bless his sweet heart) gets up at the ass crack of dawn and proceeds to go back and forth between Drew and I until he's managed to harass one of us out of our respective sleeping spots (this year it'll be the same spot so that'll make it easier on the little monster). Drew (Mister Morning Person) always caves first and once he's up, they join forces until I've been thoroughly harassed and sleep (glorious sleep) is no longer an option. Then I (evil person that I am) make Cameron eat something that would loosely pass as breakfast before he dashes off to open presents (and bury us in mountains of shiny paper). During the madness of Cameron's gift opening frenzy, Drew and I (and whoever else happens to be there--this year it'll be my dad and my papaw) will randomly open whatever gifts are under the tree for us (between picture taking and box opening and battery placing,etc.). After that, Drew will typically help Cameron put together and/or play with various gifts he's received while I hit the kitchen to make the Potatoes Au Gratin and Baked Beans I always take to my mom's for Christmas dinner.

19. What do you want for Christmas this year?
Ah, world peace? Oh, it's the materialistic side of things you're asking about? Doesn't matter really, I love just about everything.

20. What are you most thankful for this Christmas?
My family and my loves and my friends.


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