The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Monday, February 25, 2008

Still alive and kicking (sorta).

I'm like so totally busy these days. Sometimes it seems like I don't have time to think much less do. It's crazy. And I can't say I like it much.

At work, we're busy moving the offices and whatnot from one location to another while trying to carry on business as usual. Chaos at its finest.

At home, things aren't quite so chaotic. Cameron has taken a (very) small turn toward the positive as far as his behavior at school goes but, for the most part, many of the major problems still remain and it's extremely frustrating trying to turn them around especiallly considering he just doesn't care to try.

Drew and I are in a very good place (I'm not even going to expound upon the fact that he called me the wicked witch of the west this morning. LOL.). We're working together to help get Cameron on the right track and all that good stuff. Our finances are a straight mess, we just don't make enough money and it's hard. Very hard. A couple recent unexpected and very blah occurences have made it harder but we're dealing.

My health sucks. It's gotten so bad, I swallowed my distaste for doctors and dragged my ass in to the gastroenterologist. He's treating me for the simplest possible problem at the moment and if that doesn't fix things, he'll move on to Plan B (which I sincerely hope to avoid).

And that's really all there is--just busy, busy, tedious busy.

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At Wed Feb 27, 07:06:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey angel,
I'm so sorry to hear you're not feeling so well :(
You know what you need dontcha, I'll make the reservations, those cabana boys are waiting with big fluffy towels and lots and lots of suntan oil,(you get where I'm going with this hee) and yummy drinks with little umbrella's!
You take care of yourself, you hear!
And listen, Cameron is gonna be just great! Trust me on this, I didn't think I would come out sane after living thru the first 10 years of my son's illustrious childhood. Cameron is so full of life and his spirit will soar someday, he will figure it out! Of course the trick is living thru it relatively sober..heh
Ok my sweet, if you need me you know where I am, say hi to Drew and give that little devil a big kiss for me!
Love ya lots!

At Wed Feb 27, 11:22:00 AM, Blogger Aimee said...

Good morning, gorgeous!

And thank you. This whole gastrointestinal issue I've been struggling with is a pain in the ass (no pun intended). My mom is concerned about Crohns and Colitis but I've been tested for both in the past and my doctor is starting with the simple first (bacterial infections and whatnot). Me, I think it's more along the line of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) but I suppose time (and more testing--blah) will tell.

Mm, cabana boys and yummy umbrella flourished drinks sound heavenly! YES!

Though I worry (a lot), I believe Cameron will get through all this and come out on the positive end too. It's just so hard to watch him struggle, you know? And the contemplation (and arguements) over medicating him are so stressful. I feel like I'm losing my footing more times than not lately. So far I've managed to make it through with my sobriety intact but it's early days yet... LOL.

Yes, my love, I absolutely know where you are! I almost called you the other day just to chat but then things got crazy (as they're wont to do--sigh).

Drew's out of town for the rest of the week but I'll pass along your hello as soon as he gets back. And my little devil will be getting a big kiss from you just as soon as I get home.

I love you back, gorgeous!


P.S. I keep meaning to e-mail you for a password! I'm gonna have to do that!


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