The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


1. Do you hate your last boyfriend/girlfriend?
Of course not.

2. When was the last time you took a nap?
Monday, after work, I took a short nap before dinner.

3. Do you only drink bottled water?
If I'm drinking water, yes..

4. How are you feeling?
Sleepy and still courting yesterdays headache.

5. Who was the last person you texted before you fell asleep last night?
I don't really text all that often.

6. Who was the last person to send you a MySpace message?
Ah, I don't know about messages but as far as comments I believe it was Evan. Thanks, btw.

7. What was on your mind most today?
Well, it's early yet so who knows but so far, money and distressing lack of it.

8. Have you dated people who were not good for you?
Hasn't everyone?

9. How will you spend your next birthday?
I have no idea? Seeing as it's months away I can't say I've given it any thought.

10. What's your current problem?
Ah, the real question should be, "what isn't yor current problem". I have a myriad of problems just now.

11. Do you like to snowboard?
It's not something I've ever tried nor do I have the inclination to do so.

12. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Typically, yes but there are certain situations where a second chance is completely out of the question.

13. What instant messaging service do you use?
Honestly, none but I do have AIM and Yahoo Instant Messenger.

14. Would you believe your ex if they said they still loved you?
I suppose that would depend on the situation.

15. What's your most hated food?
Okra, nasty, nasty shit. Ugh.

16. What's your favourite color?

17. Would you date your best friend?
I don't know? Relationships can be sticky and getting intimately involved with someone you couldn't fathom not having in your life is a gamble. I suppose it really just depends on the people involved.

18. Who was your favorite teacher in middle school?
I honestly don't remember any of my middle school teachers so I couldn't say.

19. What colour is your hair?
Dirty blonde.

20. How old are your siblings?
Christie is 27.

21. What do you want most right now?
Another cup of coffee and a nap.

22. What is a major pet peeve of yours?
There are a legion but dishonesty is a big one.

23. What are you doing tonight?
I think I'm gonna watch American Idol and then curl up with the Lisa Jackson novel I got yesterday.

24. Is your MySpace display name from a song?
Um, nope, unless "Aimee" is a song somewhere.

25. Are you happy at the moment?
Eh--yes, no, maybe..

26. Do you have a wood floor or carpet in your bedroom?
Sadly, I have carpet in my bedroom.

27. Do you have a hidden stash of candy somewhere?
No, but I did hide some Ben & Jerry's in the upstairs freezer.

28. Do you have over 100 CDs?

29. What are you wearing right now?
Burgandy velour sweatpants and a white long sleeve babydoll top. It's a mite chilly today.

30. Is your phone right beside you?
Yep but only because I was just on it, it's usually in my purse.

31. Who are you texting?
I'm not a texter.

32. Done anything you regret?
Of course, hasn't everyone?

33. Ever trip over your own feet?
It's been known to happen.

34. favorite colour ink pen to use?

35. Do you wish someone would call you?
Not particularly.

36. Ever kissed a brown eyed and brown haired person?
On the regular.

37. Can you see a phone right now?
More than one.

38. What are you listening to right now?
Sounds of the trencher being fixed.

39. Where is it coming from?
The warehouse.

40. Last thing you ate?
Plain bagel with cream cheese.

41. Song stuck in your head?
Imagine, probably cause it's the last song I heard.

42. Do you dance while getting ready for whatever?
Not usually.

43. What are you wearing right now?
I did this quite a few questions ago, didn't I?

44. Who was your last text from?
What's with the texting thing? Let's see--ah, yes, it was T-Mobile.

45. What does it say?
It was a "thank you" for my online payment.

46. Have you ever made out on an airplane?
Can't say I have.

47. Are you currently pregnant/have you recently gotten someone pregnant?
Sadly, it's physically impossible for me to impregnante anyone. And no, I'm not currently pregnant.

48. What are you thinking about right now?
Why it isn't closer to 5 o'clock.

49. What scent are you wearing right now?
Twisted Peppermint from Bath & Body Works.

50. Ever thought you were going to get married?
I didn't just think about it.

51. Last person you loved?
I love everybody! Okay, maybe not. But, seriously, it's the same today as it was yesterday or last week or last month or last year, etc., etc. etc.

52. Last person who told you they loved you?
Cameron, my lovey, told me this morning.

53. Favorite time of the day?
Night time.

54. Biggest regret?
Not having a deep, meaningful or even particularly hunorous answer to this question.

55. Do you want children?
I already have one.

56. Last person you called when you were drunk/high?
It's been so long since I've been either I couldn't tell you.

57. Ever driven when you were drunk/high?

58. Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
Couldn't say, it's been a while for that too.

59. What was your last alcoholic beverage?
Though it was almost a year ago, it was a watermelon martini.

60. How is your mood today?
Some of these questions are annoyingly repetetive. Meh.

61. Where was your last vacation at?
The World of Disney.

62. Do you have close friends?
A few.

63. Do you like anyone?
Hell no. Just kidding, of course I do.

64. What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you have hooked up with/ dated?
Four years.

65. When was the last time you cried?
Monday evening.

66. What is one thing you miss about your past?
I don't really have an answer to this.

67. What is one thing you've learned about life?
That there are no concrete answers, you just have to keep going.

68. Is anyone jealous of you?
I think not.

69. Has a friend ever used you?
Sadly, more than once.

70. What was the last movie you watched?
The Last Mimzy.

71. How many things in your past do you regret?
Repetetive, repetetive, repetetive.

72. What is something that you want to do within the next week?
Finish this whole office moving thing.

73. Who was the last person you hugged?

74. Have you ever wanted someone but you knew you couldn't be with them?
Yes,of course.

75. Is there anyone you are excited to see soon?
Well, Drew is coming home on Friday.

76. Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back?
Sigh. Yes.

77. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?
It's pretty much an even spread.

78. How long have you had MySpace?
A year or so, I guess.

79. Has anyone ever talked about you behind your back?
More than likely.

80. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
Many times.



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