The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Angie's Entry

Aimee says I'm susposed to entertain you all while she's on hiatus. Sorry, folks, I'm not an entertainer.

It's another dreary day here in the midwest. It's been raining since yesterday, it's susposed to rain all day today with falling temperatures. It's 68 now and going down to the upper 50's by this afternoon.

I'm more than a little irritated this morning.

I re-ordered my contact lenses (which I had to have a separate "fitting and prescription" for) online cause if any of you wear contacts, know that they are about half the cost in some cases. So I got online last Friday and reordered my contacts with the sixty some dollar prescription I HAD to have.

Well this morning, there's two emails from said online service, which said this: "Your doctor’s office has informed us that your prescription is not valid for the lenses you have ordered:Focus Monthly Visitint. However, your doctor also informed us that you are prescribed to wear Focus Night & Day. For your convenience we have cancelled your original order and replaced it with a new order containing Focus Night & Day. This order will ship to you in 3 business days. The additional cost of $59.08 will be reflected on the new order."

Brining my new total to just over $100. Now, yes I have a reimbursement plan through my work, and this company does not charge my account until they actually ship - but excuse me!! That's MY prescription! I paid for it!! I have every right to order WHATEVER contact I choose!! My doctor isn't paying for my lenses out of his pocket is he?! Then where the hell does he get off saying I can't order a certain type of lenses?? Contacts are contacts!!

I've never had this problem before. EVER. The only reason I went to a chain optical store was because it was cheaper to have the "contact lens exam" done!! Otherwise I would have gone through my regular optometrist!! Which, looking back, is exactly what I should have done.

I'm so angry right now.

I've been wearing my glasses for over a week now and I'm ready to throw them in the trash. They are giving me a headache and one side of my bow is rubbing my head wrong. Of course if I take them off, I can only see about two inches in front of my face. As I type this, I can't see the letters on the keyboard and am doing it off memory. Scary.

I just tried to call the optical store and there is no answer yet. They probably don't open until Nine, but when they do - lemme tell ya!! It's on!!

Grrrrrr! ! ! ! !


At Thu Oct 06, 10:53:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Oh, it's on..." is one of my favorite phrases ;)

So, what happened? Did you verbally murder them? Tell me, tell me... you know how much I love it when you get fiesty!

Thank you for the card, Angie. It made me smile.

I love you,


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