The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Aimee's Entry - Blah.

I'm in a bad place right now and last night, I just about had enough of everything. And I stupidly allowed it to get me to a point that I crept up to my room and cried myself to sleep like an asshole instead of growing a backbone and facing the problem(s) head on. Maybe one day I'll get it right. But Angie, I am taking your advice and searching inside myself for the answers, I just don't know what to do with what I find? But I do know that if I fall down, you'll help me back up and that helps. Thank you.

Tom, that post I promised you will have to wait for another day but I will post it soon (I promise).

And I can't forget someone who made me smile yesterday... Jeff (in your "secure undisclosed location"), thank you for the e-card. It was incredibly sweet and extremely unnecessary. You haven't been flaky, my friend -- I, on the other hand, have been. I don't e-mail and when you and "your baby" (that's cute, btw) were having trouble, I wasn't there for you when I knew you could've used a friend. And for that, I apologize. You humble me, you know? Because even though I've been a self absorbed bitch and you're in the middle of dealing with your own problems, you still took the time yesterday to talk me down off the ledge. Thank you for that. Oh and you and "your baby" are so lovely, seriously. The pictures were wonderful, thank you for sharing them with me. You've got yourself a beautiful woman. Take care of her (and she you), okay?

I hope you all have a good one...

(Scroll down and read Angie's post, it's fun)


At Fri Sep 30, 11:43:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

Everyone, Aimee needs some encouragement so, repeat after me: YOU CAN DO IT!! You are strong and being afraid is ok!!

I probably push too hard sometimes but I've been unhappy in my life and I can't imagine living like that again. So when my friends come to me and are unhappy, I strongly urge them to make a change. Sometimes before they are ready, but I would never steer them wrong.

I hope I don't push you too hard, but I hate to "see" you unhappy. If only I could win the $167 million powerball lottery this weekend and by my own freakin island. Then all of our problems would be solved. We would be cooler and prettier than Paris Hilton and her flavor of the week.

I AM buying a lottery ticket or two today, otherwise I won't win right?

Love you babe!


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