The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Monday, September 26, 2005

Aimee -- Lovin' in cyber space...

Internet love, ain't it grand? (And nobody panic. I'm not in love with someone I met online -- in intense like and unquestionable want, I won't deny. But I'm not here trying to confess my undying love so there's no need for panic.)

Personally, I wouldn't know because it's never happened to me, but grand or not, it's certainly lovely to watch it unfold.

By chance (as most things are) one found the other (he found her blog first, I believe) and from the beginning you could sense something almost tangible between them simply through the comments they left for one another. And then because their feelings gave them no other choice, they met and fell in love.


You know, my relationship with Drew has left me somewhat jaded and typically, I'd be unaffected by two people, from two different worlds, leading two different lives, meeting, falling in love and being naive enough to think it's going to work. But for some reason (it probably has something to do with the hopeless romantic who hides behind the jaded cynic inside me), I think what they've found with each other is beautiful and I sincerely hope they make it work.

But (come on now, there's always a but) while I think it's beautiful, I'll admit that I'm envious of what they've found. No one has ever loved me the way that he appears to love her (and she him) and I'm not thinking that anyone ever will. That kind of sucks.

Anyway, moving on...

I am so fucking pissed off at Christie right now! I'm not going to get into it other than to say that there are a lot of acceptable reasons to have sex with someone BUT revenge is NOT one of them. Nope. Never. It's a reprehensible thing to do.

Oh and a word of advice for the male population... any sentence containing the phrase "because you're my bitch" isn't a good idea because it's bound to not go over well. At all. And furthermore, any person who insinuates that a piece of fucking paper gives them the right to control someone is out of their mind. As my most wonderfulest friend Ang said when I commented that paper could be shredded, "shredded, burned, water damaged..." I like the way she thinks!

And while I'm on the subject of "not-so-smooth-moves" ... if you know for a fact that your woman absolutely detests bra shopping but she had to go do it anyway, when she comes home and shows it to you it's not wise to say, "What? It's just a big fancy grandma bra." That is unless, of course, you never again want to get your hands on what's underneath that "big fancy grandma bra".

FYI... Blogger was being cranky today and since I use bellsouth at work I can't even blame it on AOL. That's a pisser, I love to trash AOL as often as humanly possible. Ah well... such is life.

Oh well, that's all folks, I've done bitched enough for one day.

Hope you all have a lovely...


At Mon Sep 26, 04:03:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I've seen internet love play itself out. Once they met for real, it quickly lost its lustre (not saying it's always the case, naturally). Me, I think internet lust is a far more healthy way to occupy your mind.

At Mon Sep 26, 04:28:00 PM, Blogger jg said...

I have to agree with the sex and the paper thing well put.

Falling in love can be sooooo great!
And even better when you can see, hear
and touch it. (her)

And to think, I thought you were going to talk about panties. (Damm) lol

At Mon Sep 26, 08:53:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

d/e... I've seen it work and I've also seen it take a fucking nose dive. I guess it just depends on the people. But I imagine it's mostly just a complicated situation because chances are the person you think you're in love with isn't going to live up to the expectations your mind has set up for them. But hell, what do I know?

But yes, I suppose you're right, internet lust is a far more healthy way to occupy your mind. And it's funny you should mention it because my mind happens to be fully occupied by just that at the moment.

jg... Thanks.

I'm somewhat jaded so for the most part "falling in love" and "happily ever after" are all just pretty phrases to me.

LOL. Just for you, I'll talk about panties one of these days.

Tom... There's no need to apologize. At all. I haven't been the greatest blog-friend to you either and for that I apologize. I really am sorry for your loss. *Hugs*.

I know there are some people that love me or want to love me. But I've never been loved with that intensity before, it's beautiful and I'm envious.

I had an internet boyfriend once too but he was a cold hearted prick. Maybe I'll tell you about it someday.

I <3 ya back!!


At Tue Sep 27, 01:13:00 AM, Blogger AJ said...

thank you! there are many reasons to have sex with someone but revenge is not one of them! even the idea is sort or warped! lol... you have a good day ok?

At Tue Sep 27, 11:50:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

AJ,... It is warped. No question.

And sure, I'll certainly try to have a good day.



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