The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Aimee -- Yawn...

Yawn. Tired. Blah. But, all in all, it was an okay weekend.

Let's see...

Friday night (after Drew left for the Keys), I basically just sat around staring blankly at pretty much nothing until I worked up the inspiration to get up off my lazy ass and put in a movie. I ended up putting in 8 Mile even though I didn't really want to watch it. What I wanted to watch was Pump Up The Volume (or Gleaming the Cube cause I adore Christian Slater and I haven't seen either movie in ages) but I couldn't because Drew won't hook up the fucking VCR (dammit). Anyway, I watchd about half of 8 Mile and decided to call it a night because even though the movie was playing it was just too damn quiet around here.

Saturday I just hung out with my mom all day. Cameron got a full week of smiley's on his rewards chart so we took him to Sugar Sand Park in Boca for a couple hours and then we headed back to the farm to start our Halloween crafts. It was really fun until my mom burned the hell out of her hand with the glue gun. And the little pail things we made came out so adorible that we decided to make a bunch more and give some out as gifts. I headed home a bit after 9:00 and since there was absolutely nothing to do after I put Cameron to bed, I went ahead and put myself to bed as well.

Today was my niece Sarah's birthday get together at my moms house and since I had no idea what time Drew was going to be back from the Keys, Cameron and I headed over there by ourselves around 12:00. Christie and my mom were hanging out in the pool when we got there and since I'm a stick in the mud (meaning I rarely swim), I headed inside to help Cameron get his trunks on and just stayed inside chatting with Robin while they all played in the pool. They came in from the pool around 2:00 and let Sarah open her gifts before we got ready to head out to lunch (she got the cutest darn tricycle and gosh, she looked SO adorible on it). Drew ended up calling around 2:30 to let me know he was back and ask if I could come pick him up and since we were supposed to go to lunch at Joe's Crab Shack at 3:00, I told my mom I'd go pick him up and just meet them at the restaurant but seeing as how things change everytime you blink around here, that got all screwed up and we ended up going to Rotelli's around 6:30 instead. After dinner we all screwed around in Target for a while and then headed back to the farm for cake and ice cream.

Now I'm home doing what I always do... nothing.

And in other news, we're currently under a Tropical Storm Warning thanks to Tropical Storm Rita making a slight jog to the north -- gotta love them jogs, eh?

Oh well, that's it. I hope you all had a fun weekend.

Nighty, night.


At Mon Sep 19, 02:41:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I used to have a thing for Christian Slater... and Pump Up the Volume was my favorite movie for a long long time. Maybe I can get the ex roomies to copy my dvd for you.

And fingers here are crossed that Rita will be little to no trouble.

At Mon Sep 19, 10:47:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Mm, Christian Slater is fantastic and I swear, his voice is just so damn sexy (sigh).

And much thanks for the finger crossing. At the moment, Rita is more a pain in the ass than anything. According to the last advisory, it appears that Broward County is only expecting Tropical Storm conditions but these pesky fucking storms are fickle creatures, I tell you, so I won't jinx myself by saying we're out of the woods just yet.

Keep them fingers crossed.



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