The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Aimee -- Hee Hee...

Oh, for those fans of Angie's, "When Two Worlds Collide", she has posted a tag-on titled, "One Night In LA". This tag-on happens to be very special to me because it was the first time that Angie and myself paired up to write something together and (if I do say so myself), we make a great writing team. It's fan-fucking-tastic. Enjoy.

I was going to do an audio post because I'm feeling lazy and mopey and icky for some reason today but I really hate talking to myself so I decided to just edit this entry instead.

I don't know what's with me today but I'm bouncing back and forth between slightly pleasant and serious bitch-mode all day. Go figure.

Close your eyes and/or ignore this next part if talking about sex (gasp) offends you in any way but I'm thinking I need to get laid, which is really odd because I've been avoiding sex like the plague for weeks now. Drew actually managed to catch me offguard this weekend and got himself some but prior to that, it had been awhile. I don't know what my problem is lately but I haven't wanted him to touch me sexually, at all (actually, I do know what the problem is but I won't be publicly sharing it because it really wouldn't be fair to Drew). Oh well, maybe I'll pin him down later and try to work off this strange mood I'm in.

And I suppose I shouldn't wear my Spongbob pajama's if I'm looking to entice the man into a tussle,

but God, they're comfy.

Anyway, Cameron and I played basketball together last night and he's just so darn cute sometimes. About halfway through the game, I had all the points and he wasn't liking that so he put his hands on his hips and asked, "Can I be on your team?" I laughed and asked, "Why do you want to be on my team?" He gave me a sly look (he has one, you know) and answered, "Cause then we can share all the points." Smart kid.

Well, that's it really. I'm cranky. Blah.

Edited at 11:15 PM EST: I'm about to stroll off to bed and seeing as how I was dumb enough to plop my ass down in front of the TV and watch 'The Grudge' tonight, I will undoubtedly have nightmares. Sigh. Why do I watch things all by my lonely that I know will fuck with my sleep? Oh well, I hope all of you have sweet dreams. Nighty night.


At Fri Sep 09, 12:28:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

the Grudge freaked me out the first time I saw it. Made it really difficult to walk my ex-roomie's parking lot alone in the dark.


And girl, you have to get your naughty on sometime. Don't bottle it all up

At Fri Sep 09, 03:12:00 AM, Blogger AJ said...

I love sponge bob! Patrick is so so PINK (But I love billy & mandy even more)...

You need to get your groove! I think i will be getting some tonite lol.

At Sat Sep 10, 12:31:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

d\slash\e... Yes, the Grudge was pretty freaky and it doesn't help that I'm such a baby when it comes to scary movies. And I absolutely can NOT watch them alone cause I need to have somewhere to bury my head during all the scary scenes. Ridiculous, I know but I can't help it. I'm a scaredy cat.

Hey, what's wrong with Spongebob??

And no worries, I manage to get my naughty on just enough to take the edge off and that's really all I need.

aj... Oh, I like Billy & Mandy more too, absolutely! But dude, Grimm rocks the hardest!

I did get my groove on (sorta -- shrugs, long story). So, you'd get some? Inquiring minds wanna know ;)



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