The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Angie's Entry

That's loooooonnnnnnggggg overdue I know.

So seeing as how I can't remember the last time I posted or what I posted about, I'll start with the Crue show, Friday the 26th.

It was freakin awesome!! Tommy, Nikki, Vince and Mick live and in the flesh. My very first Motley show and it rocked! I took some pics and I hope they turned out! They played for a little over two hours, no opening band and it was fantastic. We had super seats too! Even with the people in front of us standing on their chairs and us sitting down, we could still see like two feet above their heads. It was totally worth the $45 ticket price.

Did Aaron come with you ask? Fuck no. I had asked my friend Pete if he wanted to come, but he had a wedding the next day and had too much stuff to do. So it was me, my cousin and her alcoholic boyfriend. My cousin sat between us so at least he didn't spend the entire night talking to me. It's not that I don't like him, it's just that he makes me uncomfortable. One because he's always drunk and can't carry on a conversation and two when we were leaving he gave me a hug and it's not like a, from the shoulders hug, it's a full body hug, and it's creepy and I don't like it. I feel like I'm doing something to make him think there's something between us other than he's pretty much my brother in law.

Moving on.

Saturday. What the hell did I do Saturday? Um, obviously nothing important if I can't remember. Oh, my friend Nicole, her friend Brandy and her sisters Bre and Brooke had a Partylite/ Passion Party. They had tons of food and drinks. And it was fun. It was a super day outside on Saturday, a little chilly after the sun went down, but that's why there's hooded sweatshirts.

Oh, Partylite is candles and Passion party is sex toys. So imagine a bunch of girls sitting around discussing, smelling, tasting and touching the two things we love most - candles and plastic penises. Peni? Which ever!

Sunday was my usual Sunday. I sit in my chair and do nothing. Except this particular Sunday I decided that it was time to clean my carpet. The dog has been using a section of my carpet as her pee pad and all I could smell in my house was dog pee. I hate that. So I went up to the pet store to see if they had any good carpet cleaner stuff and instead they had kitties. Awwww! But I resisted temptation and DID NOT adopt a kitty. I can't pay my bills the way it is, I didn't need to incur another expense. SoI bought my carpet cleaner stuff and went to Menard's to buy grass seed. The dog "burns" spots in the grass out front and I'm waiting for the association to come yell at me for it. But they haven't so I'm trying to fix the spots my little girl is leaving before they do.

So Sunday I planted some grass seed, scrubbed the carpet on my hands and knees and hoped that I got rid of her scent then sat in my chair and watched TV.

Monday and Tuesday were full of Payroll things since I was going to be gone Wed, Thurs and Friday helping Brother move to South Dakota. I went to the fair with my friend Teresa on Monday after we got off work. That was fun. Then I stopped over at Katie's to pee and hang for while since it was so dead over there.

My friend Pete and I have been exchanging text messages for a about a week now. Ever since I asked him to the Crue show, we've been trying to get together for drinks to catch up. We haven't been able to, but we made a "date" to get together on (last) Friday.

Wednesday my mom came and picked me up and we drove up to St. Cloud. I had called my brother earlier on Tuesday to ask if he needed me to come help him finish packing. He assured me that he was almost done and that he had dinner plans with Sara, his on again off again girlfriend, who's ok by me, but is getting on my nerves more and more as time wears on. But we'll get into that later.

I was irritated when my mom informed me that Sara would be coming to South Dakota with us an that she had volunteered to drive her back. Which, coincidentally is exactly what I told Nicole the night before was going to happen. So when we got there and Brother informed us that he A) wasn't done packing and B) needed more boxes, I was even more irritated.

Now I understand that Brother has a lot of things going on, bouncing between one state and another for work and trying to move and start a new job, leaving his friends and family behind, but I offered my help.

I guess I'm becoming stickler about planning and being prepared. If you know you have five people coming to help you move your stuff, then the least you should do is have it ready to go.

The other bummer is that Wednesday was brother's 25th birthday. Which I still have to go get him a card for. But on the up side, Sara threw him a surprise birthday party the night before.

So eventually we got him packed up and all his stuff loaded into the truck. My Aunt and Step-uncle left for home and we went to lunch before starting the 5 hour drive to South Dakota. Brother drove the rental truck with Sara, mom followed in her car and I followed in Brother's car.

We dropped Sara off in the town my Brother is moving to and then he gave my mom and I a quick tour of the Athletic building. Which is pretty cool. My mom and I were standing on the sideline of the football field waiting for Brother and I apologized to her for being crabby about the whole Sara thing. She asked me why I was so irritated and I told her because she didn't need to come with. She'd been attached to his hip since he got back to St. Cloud and it'd be nice to be able to spend some time with him, just the three of us since we hardly get to see him and I know that Sara will be there every other freakin weekend. (And there's more, but that may have to be another post)(this one is long enough). And I guess that's why Sara was dropped off at one of her diver friends house. So we could have some "family" time. Gee, thanks for that. We're all dead tired from driving and moving. Super.

So the three of us drove another 25 miles to the town that his apartment is in and got checked into our hotel room for the night. We had a quick dinner at 9:30 an then Brother got into his car and drove back 25 miles to pick Sara up and stay at his friend Jason's house, where he'd been staying while he was working. He could have, and why he didn't is a mystery to me, stayed at the hotel with me and my mom, which had more than enough room and get some sleep instead of driving 25 miles back to town and having to get up early to drive back to the truck to unload at his apartment.

My dad (my brother's dad who adopted me at a young age) showed up at the hotel the following morning and we waited around for Brother to show up. Now dad tells me that Brother told him we were going to grab breakfast somewhere. So I call Brother to find out where he is and to tell him dad is here, are we going out for breakfast? He says he and Sara just grabbed something quick, sorry.

So we get to the apartment, check out everything and start unloading the truck. Which we finish pretty early. His friend Jason and his wife Mel (both of which went to Point with Brother. Jason is the head coach at USD and wanted brother for his assistant coach as soon as he got the job. Mel also happens to be best friends with my brother's ex, Lindsey. I've mentioned her before.) help us finish up the truck and then we all go up to the apartment. I tell him that as long as there are so many of us here, let's set up things as much as we can. Let's get the TV, entertainment center, couches, bed, dressers and everything put where you want it so you don't have so much to do. He finally agrees and the three boys put together his entertainment center. Mel unpackes his bathroom, Mom makes his bed and I move boxes around so there's room to walk.

I hang the wall hanging that my mom made for him in his living room, and talk with him about where to hang the rest of his pictures. In the process of this, I manage to walk into the back of his couch and break my toe. On my left foot, the one right next to my pinky. I heard the crunch. It hurt, but I didn't think anything of it. Until I took my sock off and saw that my toe was purple.

Around 4 we finally decided it was time to go eat. Around 7 we finally hit the road and dropped Sara off in Cloud around 1 am. My mom dropped me off at 2:15 and between my toe and my shoulder (I have a muscle knot in my shoulder the size of a baseball. Most days I can't lift my arm above my head. But I refuse to pay $20 a visit to go the therapy.) I knew it was time for a muscle relaxer. I had gotten them when my back went out on me a year ago. So I took one and then tried to stay awake until my mom called me. If I would have had to get in my car and go find her, it would have been an interesting ride! She called at 3 on the nose and I crashed out.

Friday I went grocery shopping (hobbled through the store. Thank God for shopping carts and mid-day lulls) then went and got my dog from my step-dad. My poor little girl was so very tired. She crashed out in the backseat of the car on the way home!

We sat and watched TV/napped for a few hours. Pete called me around 6. He was gonna take a rain check on drinks. He had to pick up his son and head to his mom's for the holiday weekend. I told him that was cool, we had time and we'd find a night.

Saturday I went to lunch with my Step-dad and then went up to my cousin's house to watch her kids while she and Amy went and ran around. We hung out and talked for a few hours and she tod me about a job opening by my house with one of her neighbors.

Pete texted my Sunday night at like 1 am. He apologized for waking me up cause I had to work on Monday. No rest for Payroll. I was here yesterday from 7:30 am until 6:30 pm when I gave up.

My toe is better. I can almost walk normally. I should have wore my tennis shoes today tho. It hurts and I think I need to tape it back up. The swelling is mostly gone. Sitting with it up for the better part of three days I'm sure helped. It's not so purple anymore but I have a nasty bruise on the top of my foot that is a cross between green and blue. My cousin asked if I hadn't broken anything else. I didn't but man does it hurt today. It feels good to have my shoe off. Any pressure on it and it hurts. Ok, I'll stop whining.

So that's what I've been up to. We'll delve into the why I'm not liking Sara so much in my next blog cause I think I figured it out. Unless you'd rather not hear about it and I don't blame you if you don't!

I hope everyone had a fun holiday weekend! I think I caught up on everyone's blog, sorry I haven't posted any comments. My brain isn't working well these days. Lack of original thoughts. Sorry.

My payroll checks are here, so I gotta sort them down, ship them off and get check requests to my boss before I go!


At Tue Sep 06, 03:58:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

...So imagine a bunch of girls sitting around discussing, smelling, tasting and touching the two things we love most - candles and plastic penises...

OMG! LMFAO!! I spit water across the room when I read that!!! So true, so true. But sadly, I haven't been to one of those parties in forever and the last one I went to was with my mom (LOL).

Oh well, if Christie ever picks a night we're going to go invade Adult Video Warehouse and I'm going to get me a bunny with cutest little ears (Drew's terrified of thing and refuses to buy me one). Ah, fun times.

Love ya,


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