The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Friday, August 26, 2005

Aimee's keeping her row boat handy...

You see that cute little red circle I've drawn around Coral Springs in Broward County? Well, that's where I currently hang my hat. And further down where I've drawn that black line is where Katrina's eye came ashore. The bitch was supposed to come ashore a bit further north (closer to Ft. Lauderdale) but she kept wobbling to the south as she approached land and instead of directly hitting Broward County she came in right on the line that seperates Broward and Dade. Once she came ashore she continued to jog south causing Dade County to take the brunt of the storm.

We were on the right (or north) side of Katrina which is typically the strongest side of a hurricane but in this case, the left side was actually worse than the right side (hence the reason most of Miami is seriously flooded right now) but it wasn't all a walk in the park around here. Because we were on the right side, we had to deal with some bitchin' wind, some of the gusts were NASTY. I watched this cute little tree in the corner of the little courtyard type thing we have in front of our townhouse bend completely over until it was almost touching the sidewalk, poor little tree, I thought it was a goner (which was a bummer cause it's my favorite tree to hang Christmas lights on) but it held it's ground (as you can see, I did exactly what they tell you not to do and stood outside on my porch while that bitch was passing through).

We had a good amount of rain too but NOTHING like they had in Miami. I had to venture out further than my courtyard to walk the dog around 10 last night because the poor thing was running around here whining like crazy and I got fucking soaked. And that crazy, sideways, I-have-no-fucking-direction type rain isn't any fun, let me tell you and it stings when it slapping at you.

But I think the scariest thing that happened last night was when air got into the garage and blew the door that leads into the house wide open. That scared the hell out of me. They say to keep everything closed up tight during a bad storm because the air pressure can blow out your windows or take off your roof. The roof and windows are in tact but I'll admit, I was slightly freaked out by the door flying open like that. Scary shit.

Today the weather's been a bit loopy -- calm as can be one minute and pouring like a bitch the next (it's pouring like a bitch right now, BTW) but the worst is over and by Monday, this should all be behind us.

So, we're okay but I don't think I'll be putting away my row boat quite yet.

And for those of you who know Veronica (Shorty), she's okay too. I was worried too death about her because she lives in Dade County but she e-mailed me today to let me know she's doing alright. Whew. She wrote... Remember all the hurricane tracking we did together last year?? LOL ... can't believe it's been a year... whew ... Yes V, I certainly do remember (LOL). We had a blast tracking all those bloody hurricanes along with haunting Local 10's website together. I missed that and her this time around.


At Sat Aug 27, 02:06:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad to hear that you got through katrina alright. (^__^)


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