The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Aimee's Entry -- Who wants to scratch my itch?

God, I'm feeling itchy tonight. Extremely itchy (and not in the "I need a scratch" way or maybe I do need a good scratch, who knows). I just wanna do something. I don't know what, just something. Where the hell is Christie when I need her, huh? Anyway, enough talk about my itch that has no chance of getting scrathed.

Today was a pretty good day. The therapy thing my mom set up for this morning was interesting. When she first started, I couldn't figure out what the heck she was trying to accomplish but as she got into it, I figured out that she was doing something with her hands that worked certain pressure points in my body. She mainly focused on my pelvic area, my ribcage, my upper chest area, my neck and my face. I don't really know how to explain what she did but it was certainly interesting.

After the therapy thing was over, my mom took Cameron and I to lunch at Skyline (YUM) and then we stopped off at Blockbuster so I could spend my gift certificate. And seeing as how I have no control what-so-ever, I ultimately went over the amount of the gift certificate. Oh well. Let's see, I bought -- The Day After Tomorrow, Secret Window, Constantine and Miss Congeniality 2 -- and because I rarely watch TV, it'll probably be sometime during the next century before I actually sit down and watch them but I've decided that I'm going to make an effort to watch at least one of them this weekend. We'll see. From Blockbuster we walked over to Ben & Jerry's and had an ice cream cone (Cherry's Garcia for me, Chocolate for my mom and some Coconut Almond thing for Cameron) which was a serious case of cheating on my diet but hell, I'm only human and the temptation was just too great. After B & J's we headed back to the farm and my mom took out the dress she's lending me for the dinner/dance in October so I could take it home with me. Goodness, it's beautiful and the color is fantastic. I can't decide if it's a really deep burgandy or a deep plum but it's gorgeous. I tried it on and boy is it a curve clinger which looks good if you've got the right curves (I don't). Sigh. So, I silently cursed myself for the ice cream and vowed to resist temptation until this bloody dinner/dance is over.

I came home to an empty house. Drew's out who knows where and since Cameron stayed over at my mom's for the night, it was just me and Bugsy until my dad showed up around 8:00 and then we didn't do anything other than run up to the store because I was out of water. At the moment, my dad is watching some sports thing on TV, Bugsy is asleep underneath my chair and I'm sitting here bored off my ass. It's a typical Saturday night -- no wonder I'm itchy. Oh well, such is life. I should probably go to sleep cause I have all kinds of fun in my sleep.

Nighty, night y'all.


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