The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Aimee's Entry

Ah, conversations with my dad always seem to revolve around the same subject. He walked in tonight looking somber so I bucked up and asked, "What’s up? Everything okay?" and he answered, "Yeah, I guess but you know how it is living under the reign of King George." Now, I don’t disagree with him, not at all, I can’t stomach the man either but I swear, if you ask the man, "Hey dad, why’d the chicken cross the road?" He’d somehow work the answer into some political Bush-bashing debate. It’s tiring on the mind.

And this is for androjane...

Those are capri pants.

Anyway, I have this bad habit of posting over Angie so make sure you scroll down and read her post. She said the funniest thing about candles and plastic penises, it’s good stuff.

Well, today was blah. It was so dark and dreary, it would’ve been an excellent for sleeping but since that wasn’t an option it was icky. But the after care director told me that Cameron was good today and he got a piece of candy from his teacher so it wasn’t all bad, eh? Plus, he got a smiley face for today on his weekly rewards chart. Go Cameron!

Okay, now there's another storm out there -- Tropical Depression #13 forecasted to become Tropical Storm Ophelia. It's currently hanging over the Bahamas and has been sending some (not) needed waves of rain our way all damn day. Anyway, my dad and I were sitting here watching the news and the ultra-smart news guy asks the just as bright weather girl, "So, do you think this thing is going to turn into a full blown hurricane?" and bright weather girl answers, "Well, there's a couple forecast models that have it reaching hurricane status." ultra smart news guy frowns, "Really?" bright weather girl looks pained, "Well yes, one has it hugging the coast of Florida and hitting somewhere in the Carolinas and the other has it crossing the state of Florida and heading into the gulf coast but it's too soon to tell." Sigh. I gotta tell ya, I love those news people, they're just so helpful, eh? But it's okay because my dad's reply was good. He shook his head and said, "Ah fuck it, let's just evacuate the whole fucking country."

Well, that’s about it for me but before I go, I’ll leave you with a hypothetical question for someone (could be a particular someone or a whole group of someones, who knows? Personally, I vote for a particular someone but that’s just me).

"If I (hypothetically of course) happened to find myself within your realm, what would you do? Would you take a step forward or would you take a step back?"

Pleasant dreams all.


At Tue Sep 06, 10:47:00 PM, Blogger AJ said...

O I C! Capri pants= 3quarter pants= pedal pushers. Who invents these names?

Didn't really understand your parting question tho, if, say you were near, and I knew it was you, I would rush up to you, give you a hug, run away & blog all about it.. lol (does that answer sound logical??)

At Wed Sep 07, 01:59:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Crossing my fingers @ no more storms.

And, baby, as long as I knew it was you, it'd be two steps forward.

At Wed Sep 07, 12:33:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

androjane... I'm not sure who comes up with those names but they are a tad silly, eh?

And yes, your answer sounds logical (provided you blog wonderfully about me -- LOL)

Evan... Thank you. And that was a perfect answer, love.


At Wed Sep 07, 06:12:00 PM, Blogger jg said...

I just have to comment on the photo.


Oh yea good name for the pants to!



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