The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Stupid is as stupid does.

Well, today started off with a bang, quite literally I might add, with my impromptu car accident. And boy let me tell you how fun that was. But for those who care, no worries, I’m none the worse for wear, not a scratch on me. My car, on the other hand, wasn’t quite as lucky, but it’s all good, just some minor repairs needed. And you know, it was such an awkward situation because as pissed off as I was about the whole thing, it was extremely hard to be rude to the woman who hit me because she was just so damn nice. Sigh. So there I was standing out in the hot sun in the middle of morning rush hour having a lovely chat (in between text messages to Angie, LOL) with the woman who’d basically just side swiped my car. Ah, the irony.

Anyway, from there it just got hectic because I was almost two hours late for work, and today is payroll day, which is the busiest day of the week. Needless to say, I was slightly behind, and had to bust ass to catch up.

Note: This next part involves sex (gasp), and if that fact bothers you in any way, shape or form, I suggest you tune out now.

Sex is fun, sex is great, etc., etc., etc. Personally, I haven’t had any in a while, but I do vaguely remember that it can be quite enjoyable if done right. And because I do remember, I can understand how it would be easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment, and forget about little details, oh like say, "protection". It happens. But (come on, you knew it was coming) getting caught up in the heat of the moment, and purposely doing something so ridiculously irresponsible it blows my fucking mind are two totally different things.

Forgetting to use a condom once? Okay. But four times? I think not.

What, do I look stupid? Apparently.

And to try and defend the irresponsibility by saying something idiotic like, "But he pulled out the last two times," is just another insult to my intelligence because if he was coherent enough to pull out then it goes to reason that he was coherent enough to put on a fucking condom.

But wait, it gets better, she let the man come inside her TWICE, and then sat here and innocently asked me, "There’s no way I could’ve gotten pregnant, right?"

Huh? If she expected me to believe that she didn’t know she could get pregnant from having unprotected sex, she’s stupider than she was insinuating I am.

But what really burns me is that she knew exactly what she was doing. And the sad part is, it didn’t work the last time he "accidentally" knocked her up so what makes her think that this time is going to be any different. The man does NOT love her, and that fact isn’t going to magically change just because she’s carrying his child, he’s already shown her that it won’t, she just refuses to see it.

Oh well, it’s her life, and if she’s hellbent on fucking it up there isn’t much I can do to stop her.

P.S. "Memory In Death" hit the shelves today, and you'll be pleased to know that I resisted the temptation to selfishly buy it for myself because I know I can't afford it. I'm so proud of myself. Go Aimee.


At Wed Jan 25, 02:35:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

car accident--ouch. Am very glad you're ok.

sister--being just a tad bit retarded

At Wed Jan 25, 02:02:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Thank you, love.

And yes, she certainly is.


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