The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Monday, May 22, 2006

I'm bored.

Bored I say. No really, I am. Extremely. Emphatically. And I think terminally.

In other news, I just found out that my mom is taking Cameron to Okeechobee for Memorial Day weekend and if I actually ever did anything remotely fun I might be excited about having a free weekend, but I don't.

Anyway, I was in such a bitchy mood yesterday when I posted about the birthday party (bet none of you were the wiser--I'm good like that) because I'd just had an altercation with the lady three doors down (heh, I like them--the band, not the lady) over the fact that her daughter smashed this water gun Cameron had won at the birthday party to bloody pieces. It pissed me off and her daughter has a smart mouth so when she was up in my face telling me that Cameron got her wet, I pretty much told her I could care less and that she needed to keep her hands off my sons shit. Yes, I said "shit", sue me. Frankly, I don't care, I've had it with this kid and her little sister, they're bullies and there is NOTHING I detest more than a bully.

Well, little miss smart mouth decided to run home and tell her mommy that I was cursing her, so, of course mommy felt inclined to come set me straight. It was all so pointless really because whatever I actually managed to get in fell on deaf ears [...her oldedst daughter threw crayons at Cameron while he was passing by on his scooter for no fucking reason which left welts on his face--doesn't matter, I cursed her daughter. Her youngest daughter hit Cameron across the leg with a stick because she thought it was a good idea? Who knows, I don't--doesn't matter, I cursed her daughter. Her oldest son (who's 12, mind you) took Cameron's Ninja Turtles sword away from him and started smacking Cameron across the side of the head with it because he could I suppose--doesn't matter, I cursed her daughter. Her youngest daughter was trying very hard the other day to ram her bike into Cameron while he was riding his scooter in hopes of knocking him off--doesn't matter, I cursed her daughter. Her oldest daughter has a nasty mouth that rivals mine--doesn't matter, I cursed her daughter. Oh there's more, but I'm thinking you get my point...], I cursed her daughter and apparently there ain't nothing in the world that justifies that offense (I disagree, but what the fuck do I know?), besides, Cameron's a liar, blah, blah, blah--the fact that I'm neither blind nor stupid and have seen her kids do all this was really just a moot point and wasn't up for discussion. My kid is bad and that's that.

So after she (a) ordered me to keep my son off her side of the townhouse complex (which isn't fucking likely) and (b) ordered me to knock on her door when I have a problem with her kids (which, if she was actually paying any attention to what the hell her kids are doing, wouldn't be necessary), she went storming off and I called Drew and told him to handle it since it was obvious nothing I said was going to make a difference. He called their father and apparently all is right with world now, everything is just fucking dandy. But I disagree?

Why? You ask.

Because it wasn't her who had to console one of her sobbing children over the loss of some silly plastic toy that while easily replaceable, is something he was incredibly proud of, he won the silly thing all by himself in a game at the birthday party and I can't replace the meaning of that. Matter of fact, she's never had to console any of her children over something my son has done to them, said to them or broken of theirs, but I can't count the number of times I've had to. So no, everything is not right in my world and it isn't fucking dandy, bullshit is what it is and I've had enough of it.

Alright, now that I've gotten that out, I'd like to apologize to Jeff for being a bitch yesterday, he happened to catch me just after that happened and I was a bit off with him. I'm sorry, my friend, it was bad timing and I should've waited to get back with you until I'd calmed down.

Well, I'm done. I hope you all are having a much more entertaining day than I.


At Tue May 23, 03:08:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Nina, I agree 1000% Too bad the cycle continues.

I HATE parents like that. So dis-allusioned about their own children. I don't even feel sorry for them, cause you know in a few years when the cops come knockin, and they end up in jail, it's going to be a sad state of affairs. It will always be someone elses fault. I really dislike people like that.

Best thing to do is try and keep Cameron away from them and if the kids keep bothering him, call the cops. Fight fire with fire baby!!


At Fri May 26, 08:30:00 PM, Blogger Drew said...

You know I'm reminded of the Ompha Loompha song they sing about Veruca.

"Who do you blame when your kid is a brat
Pampered and spoiled like a Siamese cat?
Blaming the kids is a lie and a shame
You know exactly who's to blame:
The mother and the father!"

I work at a job with a bunch of stupid stupid kids( a gift store) and the only thing that annoys me more then the kids, is their parents. We have these glass garage door that the kids constantly press up against to get in to the store( as they some time sleep over)... And the parents let them. Worse, a couple of kids were leaning against these GLASS doors, while a parent was taking a pic of them... IN FRONT OF A GIFT STORE.

I say get a restraining order on their kids... or start talking photos of her kids acting badly and threaten to put them on the internet.


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