The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Monday, May 08, 2006

Angie's weekend

So Friday when I left here, I went up to Sista's and we planted flowers, cleaned up the garage and tried to get Ben's attention while we were sitting on the patio having a break. He had his headphones on so he couldn’t hear us. So we finished the garage, then went over and rang his doorbell and invited him over for a beer. He said he’d be over in a little bit so we went in to help girlfriend clean up. She had things under control so we talked for a bit. My nephew wanted to show me his new video game. So I watched him play for a while then my niece came in and sat with us. I heard Ben’s voice, so I knew he was in the house. A few minutes later my Sista came in and says “getchur butt out here, someone wore a lot of cologne for you!”

So we hung out in the kitchen for a while, then the three of us went out to the garage to smoke. One of my Sista’s other neighbor’s came over and we bs’d with him. Ben had hardwood floors put in a few weeks back, his brother does it for a living, so I told him I wanted to see them. So me, Ben and the neighbor went over and checked them out. Then I told Ben I wanted the rest of the tour since I’d only seen the upstairs, so the neighbor left and he gave me a tour of his house.

After we ate, me, Sista and Ben hung out in the garage and played two quick games of Texas, while Ben and I flirted, then it was time for everyone to go home. Ben had to work, I had to work and Sista had to help girlfriend the next day so we said goodnight around midnight.

Saturday I drove all the way down to work to find out that the access card that I borrowed didn’t work, so I couldn’t get into the building. So at 7:30 on Saturday what’s there to do? Well, drive back home is number one. I didn’t go tanning on Friday so I drove by there, they didn’t open for another hour. So I went shopping to see if I could find some new work/not quite summer/not quite winter clothes. No such luck, but I did find a couple cute tank tops.

I’d finally stalled enough and went over to go tanning. Then I went home, took the dog for a walk since it was 9:30. I started phase I of carpet cleaning. I called sista and told her I’d be up around noon to help her finish running around.

The birthday party went good, everyone had fun. We sat out in the garage and bs’d until Ben got home, cause we had to wait for him before we started poker. He invited his sister up, and we started about 8:30. Of course Ben sat next to me and we flirted. I won some pretty awesome hands, but girlfriend took the all time best hand with a freakin ROYAL FLUSH! She wasn’t feeling well, so she finally went out so she could go sit in the house. I ended up winning that game! Yey me! After the game was over, one of Sista’s buddies, Jeff, left.

So Sista, me, Ben and his sister played another game then sista had to go in to tend to girlfriend and I told Ben I wanted to go out back swing. So we walked over to his house, said bye to his sister then went out to the swings. He wanted to go crash the bonfire a couple houses down, but I wouldn’t let him. So we hung out on the swings and talked for a while.

We finally went in cause it was getting a bit chilly.

I laid down on his couch in the living room and he joined me a few minutes later. He moved closer to me and things got hot and heavy. He asked if we should move so we did. I don’t know how detailed I want to be or how much you really want to read, but – he had really good smelling candles lit in his room when we went in there, which surprised me. I wouldn't have expected that a guy I'm going to sleep with would light candles. He’s a great kisser and he’s a cuddler (sp) and I love that.

He had to work this weekend but I told him I’d wake him up – and I did. Not like that tho. I just put my hand on his back and told him what time it was.

Sista just emailed me and asked how things went. She said she saw him yesterday and he thought he was still drunk when he went to work. I still can’t get a read on that from him. Ya know how you can tell when people are drunk, their eyes close or they slur their words? He doesn’t do any of that, so it’s hard to tell.

But Sista and I were talking on Friday and she said that if he’s hot on someone, he doesn’t really say much to her, not that he would to her anyways, especially about me. The only time he's talked to Sista about a girl is when the latest ex - Tina went psycho on him. But we both agreed that he wouldn’t have started anything with me because he knows that Sista and I are tight and that I’d be around and stuff, so. Later that night he went into the house while we were playing cards and she said she didn’t/doesn’t think that I’m reading things wrong. But I guess I keep waiting for it to not be real. I keep waiting to turn the corner and see a strange car in his driveway and it's someone new. Which is why I'm trying really hard not to get hung up on him, but it's hard.

Sunday morning, like I said I woke him up so he wouldn’t be late for work. We had a smoke and then I headed out. I told him I'd get going so that he wouldn't be late for work. We still haven’t exchanged numbers, but Sista has his cell number written on her garage wall, so I memorized it. I know, I’m psycho. I haven’t called him or anything, but I have it. I also know when his birthday is.

Oh and his eyes are blue, not brown as I stated previously. I was thinking brown hair and I typed the wrong thing. He has blue eyes and they are gorgeous. Just like him.

It’s amazing the number of things you can get done when you get up at 6:20 am. I went home and instead of going back to bed, I did the following:
~Gave the dog a bath
~Cleaned the bathroom
~Cleaned my bedroom
~Cleaned the living room
~Did all but one load of laundry
~Did the dishes
~Sanded and stained my shelves
~Put down grass seed
~Made a peppercorn pork tenderloin for dinner

Then I finally sat down around 2pm. When I started to get cloudy out. I took a couple quick cat naps in the chair while sitting with the dog.

My weight loss continues to bounce all over the place and I have four weeks to get down to 150. It’s only 10 pounds, but that means that I have to hit the diet hard and lay off the drinking.

I also found myself smoking a lot this weekend. I have a pack and when that’s gone, I’m done smoking again.

Ok, I’m gotta hit the road now. Work is going to be slow today. Our system is still down from yesterday and there’s no ETA when it’s going to be back up. So it might be an early day as well.

Talk to ya soon!


At Wed May 10, 07:56:00 AM, Blogger T - Another Geek Girl said...

Sounds like an interesting build up. I do want more details. I really do!

I love the words Hot and Heavy.


At Thu May 11, 06:51:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

Thanks Tricia. I wasn't sure how much info to reveal - but I'm secretly hoping there will be more details to come. Ahem, no pun intended!



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