The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Same ole, same ole...

Well, it’s Saturday and I just got back from Curves (yes, I, Aimee (the lazy one) dragged my ass out of bed like a good girl and made sure I was there for my workout before 11:30am, which is the cut off because they close at noon--Go me) and now I’m trying to trick myself into thinking that going back to bed is a bad idea (I’m not quite convinced yet).

Anyhow, as per my typical Friday night routine, I didn’t do a damn thing last night but sit here and stare aimlessly at nothing in particular. I did play e-mail tag with Jeff for a little while and I also talked to Drew briefly, he got himself a car and he’s excited about that, me too because I thought it sucked that he had no way to get anywhere, but other than that, nothing. I know, I’m so exciting, aren’t I?

Oh, oh, oh--do you know what my child (you know, the one I love more than anything) did last night (No, of course you don’t)? He went to bed by himself. No saying goodnight to me. No hug. No kiss. No tucking in. Nothing. Just off to bed all by himself (without me, dammit). Now that was just wrong! Doesn’t he understand that since he’s started to grow up on me, I still need him to need me for something, even if it’s just our silly nighttime ritual. Sigh. Ah well, c’est la vie, I suppose.

And we, Cameron and I, don’t have anything planned for today, he still needs to finish cleaning his room, he started last night but he’s not quite done yet and mean mommy that I am won’t allow him to do any fun stuff until his room is completely clean. So I doubt we’ll be doing anything today, hopefully he’ll get that wrapped up today so we can do something cool tomorrow. We’ll see.

And as there’s nothing going on ‘round here, that’s all folks.

I hope everyone else is having a fantastic Saturday.


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