The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Aimee -- Meme.

I saw this on Drew's blog, and I thought it was pretty cool, besides I haven't done one of these in a while.

I AM: Whatever you want me to be or is it whatever I want to be? I don't know, the lines get a bit blurry at times.

I SAID: I was absolutely not going to make the same mistakes my mother has, but instead, I went and proved that the apple certainly doesn't fall too far from the tree. Ah well, c'est la vie, besides I love my mom, mistakes and all, so I have no problems following in her footsteps.

I WANT: To be happy with myself because if I'm not happy with myself how can I expect anyone else to be? Self-love (no, not that kind) is important.

I WISH: I were a bit more self-sufficient. I've depended on someone else (my mom, my dad, Drew, etc.) to help me when things get rough for so long that it's been a bit of struggle to get into the habit of working things out myself, but I'm getting there--slowly.

I HATE: Prejudiced, stubborn, single-minded people--they're dangerous.

I MISS: My figure. I lost it after I had Cameron and sadly, I've just never been able to find it again.

I FEAR: So many things, but on a less serious note, spiders--I'm deathly afraid of them. I jumped into the Loxahatchee River because one fell on my leg during a canoe trip, apparently Gators are bit less intimidating to me.

I HEAR: Voices [...insert scary, freaky, cheesy horror movie music here..]. Nah, I'm just kidding, I don't.

I WONDER: If I'm going to have the willpower to make it through the first two phases of this bloody diet (I'm still in Phase 1 since I just started seriously following it last Monday)? You know, my wicked, evil father was trying to convince me that I needed to have a piece of this chocolate fudge pie that he bought last night because as he puts it, "It's the best damn chocolate pie I've ever tasted." Sigh. I'm happy to say, I resisted the temptation.

I REGRET: A hell of a lot of things, but I suppose that's just a part of life.

I AM NOT: Where I want to be quite yet, but I'm getting there.

I DANCE: All the time! I love to dance! I'm not very good at it, but I don't let that bother me.

I SING: Every chance I get and I won't apologize for it even if it caused you pain.

I CRY: Often. And I won't apologize for that either.

I AM NOT ALWAYS: Wise, not by a long shot, but some of my loveliest memories happened during foolishly unwise moments .

I MADE: A rather awesome cake for Cathy's birthday a couple weeks ago--it was oh so yummy.

I WRITE: Every chance I get, but my muse has been unusually quiet lately.

I CONFUSE: Myself quiet comically and quite often.

I NEED: To win the lotto, no really, I do.

I SHOULD: Probably be working right now, but I just don't wanna. You feel me?

I START: All sorts of projects that I never finish--I need to stop doing that.

I FINISH: Work at 5:00 p.m., bet you were dying to know that.

I TAG: Whoever feels inclined to do it.


At Thu May 18, 10:11:00 PM, Blogger the shrewness said...

great answers!

although im pretty sure ill win the lottery first. :)

At Fri May 19, 08:18:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

Thank you, shrewness!

You think? I don't know, I've been feeling lucky lately (LOL)! Wanna bet (*wink*)!



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