The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Monday, November 27, 2006


I clearly remember now why I do NOT like to get up and be amongst the living after I've had my infusion. I'm lethargic, nauseous as hell and pretty much everything, no matter how trivial, annoys the bloody hell out of me. Even Horatio (or however the hell you spell his name) is getting on my nerves right now.

And between Cameron and my dad it's a wonder my head hasn't exploded yet. Sigh. My dad knocked over a soda that was sitting on Cameron's armoire and the soda came precariously close to Cameron's PS2, so he, my dad, starts yelling at Cameron about the mess in his room (this yelling would be why I'm not currently flat out sleeping off my premed's) which prompted Cameron to go into a fit of whining--yelling, whining, yelling, whining--ARGH! Cameron is sleeping now and my dad is downstairs doing whatever, but me, my annoyance remains crystal. Dammit.

I really need to go back to sleep, but usually when I get up and stay up too long after an infusion the premed's have some weird reverse effect and I have a bitch of a time getting back to sleep. Sucks hard.

So, here I am. YAY. And I really don't have anything to talk about, but I figured this would probably be more productive than staring into space, though staring into space does have its merits.

And I do believe I'm done here, perhaps I'll swivel this chair around and actually pay attention to what's happening on CSI: Miami.

And because this song makes me think of someone and he's on my mind...

Nighty Night.


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