The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I am so incredibly annoyed right now! And I'm beginning to suspect that someone is playing wicked, evil pranks on me! Okay, maybe not, but still...

I can't find my bloody bitching cook book! And I need it! Damn it! Know what else, I think someone has gone and hidden my wedding video! No, really, I'm not kidding! And I need that too! Damn it! And I realize that one has nothing to do with the other, but for sanity's sake, I need them both! Now. Cause I swear, if I can't find my recipe for the baked beans before Christmas and Brian harasses me about borrowing the wedding video one more time I think I might lose my mind!

Breathe, Aimee, breathe.

Anyway, last night we (my mom, Christie and I) took Cameron and Sarah to "Fantasy of Lights" at Tradewinds (we were supposed to do it a couple weeks ago, but we didn't) and aside from Cameron being a complete brat, it was a lovely time. And he was a COMPLETE brat! So much so that I had to call Drew to make sure he was home so I could swing by his house afterwards in order for us have a talk with him together. I don't know what his problem is lately, but his behavior has been ridiculously obnoxious to the point of intolerance.

Sigh. Why can't life just be simple?

But, on the happy side of things, my mom and I baked cookies for hours and hours and hours on Saturday and that was a wonderful thing! I don't know why really because it's a lot of work, but I love it and we always have so much fun. Oh, and she (my mom), is busy planning what she's been referring to as a "Girl's Night" for New Year's Eve. From what I hear, it'll be manicures and drinking and pedicures and drinking and facials and drinking and hair treatments and drinking, you know, girl stuff. LOL. Which will be followed by mimosa's and a big breakfast the next morning. It actually sounds like it'll be a good time.

Sunday was okay, but Drew and I had a rather nasty argument while we were out to dinner with Cameron and that was absolutely no fun what-so-ever. But, after we both settled down a bit, we talked and while we're not exactly good, we're okay.

So, all in all, it was pretty good weekend. Hope yours was too.

And I'm not the biggest country music fan, but I've grown a rather odd affection for Faith Hill and I positively adore this song, it's lovely, plus, you get Tim McGraw as a bonus...


At Wed Dec 20, 01:28:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sorry Cameron's being a wee monster these days. You should threaten him with Santa--it worked on Aeia after she tore the paint off the wall in the hallway this weekend.

Ah, a New Years of drinking and facials sounds really good

At Wed Dec 20, 01:36:00 PM, Blogger Aimee said...

We used the Santa threat and it seemed to work, but what happened that night before I went to Drew's kind of stepped over a scary line and honestly, I'm not sure how to deal with it. He has been better though, so I'm hoping it was just a momentary loss of his sanity.


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