The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Friday, July 22, 2005

Aimee's Entry - Totally Out of Left Field -- Rough Roads Ahead...

Warning: If you don't mind some ranting and a bunch of rather filthy language stick around and if you do, I apologize. I rarely go off on a tangent such as this one but from time to time well, I just have to let loose or else I'll go stir up a bunch of shit I promised Angie I'd leave alone.

Someone pissed in my cheerios. Actually, truth is, the mere existence of this person (and her ass kissing lap dog) puts my back up and when she goes off acting like the ignorantly deluded bitch she is, it makes me itchy. I'm feeling itchy.

Have you ever just wanted to bitch slap some uptight, egotistical, narcissistic, attention whoring cunt?


Well, I have.

I do.

Right fucking now.

I swear to God, why so many people feel the need to bury themselves up her ass like she's the Queen of fucking Sheba is beyond me but much to my amazement, they do. It's disgusting. I swear, it makes my stomach turn. When is everyone going to wake up and realize that her and her trusty sidekick are nothing but a couple of backstabbing, deceitful bitches?? Doesn't anyone realize that they're fucking fakes? Users? Sweet and pretty in your face but it's a whole other ball game when your back is turned.

You can't voice your opinion. You can't speak your mind. You can't think for yourself. Hell, if you're going to enter their realm, you better check your brain at the door because if you attempt to use it , it's bad news for you. And as long as people keep kissing her ass, it'll never change, she'll just keep bending over to give you better access.

What someone needs to do, is put their fucking foot up her self-righteous ass. I'd love to be the one to do it, I have to bite my lip until it bleeds sometimes to stop myself from doing something stupid. But I swear if someone doesn't put that cunt and the bitch permanently attached to her clit in their place soon, I'm going to lose my fucking mind.

Fuck. I need to just stay away from there.


At Fri Jul 22, 05:47:00 AM, Blogger grave_creek said...

SLAP HER ONCE.TWICE ,THREE TIMES A LADY!!!LOL!!okay okay..bad joke sorry....yes sometimes i get these urges,and i end up grumbling obscenities that my mother always seem to hear...damn!!!

At Fri Jul 22, 08:31:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, aimee, i know what that's like. sometimes you just want to slap someone until their head spins on their neck a whole 720ยบ.

but what did this person do to you that got you all riled up?

At Fri Jul 22, 09:38:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

Raph, dangerous question my friend!! :) I don't think Aimee will indulge in too many of the details, because as immature as these two individuals are, they wouldn't hesitate to come in here and start causing trouble. Not that bitch slapping them on our own turf wouldn't be the most fun EVER!

G_C you're joke was hysterical!!

Jason, to make the rest of us look better!! LMAO!

And Aimee, don't hold back! I LOVE it when you rant about these two! It gets me fired up too!



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