The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Friday, July 22, 2005

Angie's Entry - Who's that girl??

Sorry, for the bad Madonna reference. While I was being girly last night, having my nails done, the place I was at, had like her best mellow songs playing. She's got some good tunes.

I apologize for not posting in a while. My attention seems to be short lived if present at all these days.

I talked to dumbass last Friday night. I had stopped back down at Jason and Katie's to hang with them for a while and he texts me at like 10:20 with "Miss U, where you is"
and now I'm pissed. I texted him over a week ago and not so much as a 'hi' response back. Angie doesn't play this game anymore, but I'll teach you that. Quickly.
So I text him back - at Jason and Katie's. U?
Home, whatcha been doin?
Nothing, u?
Work, trouble
What kind of trouble
Call me at home.

So I call him at home.

We exchange pleasentries and then it's on. I said something smart and he goes - oh so your phone doesn't work or something?
(screetching tires are heard in the background)(Oh no you didn't!)(oh yes he did!)
Lesson 1: Don't try to take attitude with me, I'll cram it right back down your throat. Go ahead, try me.
So I come back with - what? I fuckin texted you last fuckin Friday and you haven't said shit in over a week! I can take a fuckin hint Aaron!
Ok, ok, geez. Settle down alright?
Well, then don't come at me like that.

Now at this point, Jason has almost spit beer out of his nose cause he didn't expect me to lay the smackdown on his ass. Katie is laughing at Jason and I need a smoke.

So I go sit out front on the steps and smoke while Aaron and I try to make small talk. He went full time at the auto shop. He told me about a Jaguar he got to take a for a drive. I told him about a leak in my downstairs bathroom and said I'd probably end up callin my stepdad to help me with it. It would take a year to fix, but the damn pipe would never leak again. So he goes, fine, then call him.
What? Did I ask you to fix it for me? No. Just because you happen to be a man in my life, doesn't mean I expect you to do everything for me. I can do shit on my own ya know.

I know, so anyways. What are you doing tonight?

Now remember that by now it's creeping up on 11 and I've been up since 5 am. My steam is pretty much gone. And the last thing I feel like doing is going and sitting in a bar watching TV, when I can do that at Jason and Katie's and talk to someone at the same time.
I'm gonna hang out here for a while and then I dunno, why? What do you got goin on tonight?
Probably gonna head up to smiliey's.
Oh, ok.
blah, blah & blah then he says something and I say something and he comes back with, well you don't wanna go out during the week and you don't call.
Aaron, whatever. I'll text ya when I leave here
kay, if you're feeling ambitious, I'll be at smiliey's.
kay, talk to ya later.

I swear, I would hit him if he was standing in front of me. He's so fuckin infuriating. Katie and I discussed it later in the week and what I should have said to him is look: I start work at 6:30 in the morning. My dog is in her kennel all day long. By the time I get home it's 6:30. I've been gone for 12 hours. I'm tired, hungry and the dog needs to be let out and fed. When you call me at 9 at night and want me to get into my car, drive 20 minutes to the bar to sit and have a few drinks, then turn around and drive home, we're talking midnight before I'm in bed. I have shit to do when I get off work. If you want to get together during the week, then call at a reasonable time. You know Katie and I walk practically everyday, that we're done around 6, call me then, call me during the day, the night before or whatever. I'm not a kid anymore, I can't just drop what I'm doing cause you want me to. *sigh* *releasing deep breath*

So Jason makes me watch Evolution, which isn't as bad as Super Troopers or Joe Dirt. And now it's after 1. I decided to work for a few hours on Saturday to clean up some stuff at my part time job and I wanted to get there early so I could leave early. So I decide to head home rather than go see Aaron. Priorities. Spend money or make money?

So I text him:
I'm heading home
That sucks
I waited until I got home to text him back cause I really didn't need to crash my car or get pulled over . So when I get home I text:
I know. I'll see you tomorrow. U have to get up early and my shoulder is killin me
Are you mad
Would you tell me if you were?

No response. So I went to bed. Fine, if you wanna have your undies in a bind, then that's your fuckin problem. I got my own shit to worry about.

I slept longer than I wanted to on Saturday morning but I got into work, did my shit and walked with Katie. Nicole had a softball tourney at one of the big sports bars around my house but she was out of town on vaca all week and I didn't know what time they played at. But she called me and left me a message.

I went home, got some stuff done around there and made it in time for the last half of the second game. I texted Aaron, 'whatcha doin'. And heard nothing back.

So after the games were over, I headed back down to Jason & Katie's to hang with them. Jason is on shut down from the Ford Plant and other than when he's off, I don't get to see him much, so hanging is cool. I called Katie and everyone was over at Bubba and Chrissy's so I went over there.

I got there around 8:30 - 8:45 or so and I waited a whole two hours before I finally texted Aaron again. "hello? I texted you earlier"

I fuckin stopped home after the softball game, packed a bag and shit just in case I ended up staying at his place, let the dog out and gave her some extra food so I know she'd be ok until 8 the next morning. And does the prick even bother to text or call me? No.

I wait about another 20 minutes and text him again, 'are you ignoring me?'

He finally answers me - no sorry

Sunday I went back up to Diamonds (the sports bar where the torn was) on Sunday and watched two more of the girls softball games, then I headed further north to my cousin's to have my oil changed. We sat and hung out for a few hours then I went home around 5.

I checked my cell phone when I got home and he had texted me around 4:50. 'where you is'

Home now.

And that's it. I haven't heard jackshit from him since. I haven't texted him this week and I'm ntot going to. I'm not going to chase him. Nope. I've already put my neck to far out there as it is.

Screw him.

In other news, Life is boring as usual. The other temp at my part time job is wearing on the last shred of self-restraint I have for him.

My mom has a couple scratches on her eye and has her third appointment for it today. They think she may be allergic to the antibiotics they're giving her.

My brother is going to a wedding this weekend that his ex-girlfriend is the maid of honor at. He's bringing his new "girlfriend" and I'm really sad I won't be there to see little Sara (all of 5 foot 2) kick the ever loving piss out of 5 foot 8 Lindsey. Man, to be a fly on the wall at that reception. Damn! I always miss the fun! Not to mention that I want to beat the ever loving piss out of Lindsey too. Backstabbing, cheating, lying, cunt. Anyways!

At Bubba's last week, my friend Pete, not the one from my part time job, tells me that he's wanted to get with me for like ever. He's married with two kids now. He was drunk, but Pete doesn't lie to me.

We stood off to on the side of the house for about an hour talking. It's what we do. Pete and I don't see each other very often and when we do, we like to catch up. One year during the state fair we decided to talk a walk together cause everyone was buggin us. So we walked up to his house a few blocks away, he grabbed a couple beers and we walked up to a near by lake. It started to rain so we sat under this shetler thing for a while, then decided to walk in the rain. We played on the playground for a while then headed back cause we figured everyone should have passed out or went home.

Pete and I have been friends since, well I was 19 when I met him, so 11 years? Katie walked over a couple times while we were talking, Jason did too. It irritated me cause, Pete and I are talking, get the fuck away from us. If everyone else was getting mad, tough fuckin shit. No one says anything to Katie when she used to disappear with Jim or Jimmy or Phil or Bob for hours, leave me and Pete to talk. Katie snooped cause she's a nosy nose. She'll admit it. She wanted to know what we were talking about and neither of us were gonna tell her or include her in on the convo. Sorry. I love Katie to death, but what Pete and I talk about, is between me and Pete.

What else?

I'm not sure what I'm doing tonight. I need to vacuum, go grocery shopping and make a stop at either Walmart or Target.

Had my nails done last night. Got them cut down a little then painted a dark plum color with an airbrush over it. Just for something fun to do for a change. What's the use in having acrylic nails if you can't have fun with them?

Ok, I'm done now. I hope you guys liked the songs Aimee and I picked for you!

Oh and I could go on and on about Ms. Bitch and her ever faithful side kick, but I'm tired of typing now. Maybe if they piss me off later on today or this weekend, I'll rant about how much I loathe them and how I want them to burn in hell for all eternity.


At Fri Jul 22, 02:40:00 PM, Blogger grave_creek said... a relationship,the man and the woman both have to give something to make it work..obviously the only thing Aaron can do is send sms in the range of "where you is" and "what you doing?"...not exactly suave and entirely annoying if you ask me.......

At Sun Jul 24, 03:30:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to tell you this Ang but Aaron is an ass. I would "ignore" him for a while if I were you. If he comes around he cares about u if not forget him.

Much Love,


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