The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Angie's Entry

I should apologize for yesterday's entry huh? Rather immature on my part? Eh, what are ya gonna do about it? Oh well.

I'm in a wierd place right now and I'm none to happy about it. There are so many things I could tell you about, but this entry would go on for days and days. Besides that, Aimee really is much more interesting than I am. Trust me.

So for now I'll leave you with this and maybe type up my week this weekend and post it on Monday.

~ I've had it up to my eyebrows with our HR "director" and his big nosey nose. He's one step away from me punching him in it.

~ MSN is the biggest f*cking thorn in my side and I'm tired of arguing with them about a credit card that they issued a credit to when I've never had a credit card on file with them.

~ If gas prices go up anymore, I may have to stop working. Well, stop working 20 miles from home everyday, which translates into a 45+ mile per day trip. Gas prices are currently $2.59 in the Twin Cities and are predicted to continue going up. I do realize however that I am not the only one suffering from high gas prices, but that's just part of my misery at the moment.

~ Cutting down on the number of cigarettes I smoke in an effort to quit is not as horrible as I thought. I'm doing pretty well.

~ The temp at my part time job must want me to cuss him into the next life cause he just doesn't get the hint that I don't desire nor crave his constant comments/insight/suggestions or his mere presence in my life. I just want him to simply go the F away!!

~ I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to find someone else to go with me to the Crue concert a week from tomorrow since Aaron has not contacted me in almost three weeks now. And no, I have not contacted him - I'm the girl, I'm not susposed to call. Jackass. So I think I'm going to see if Pete is interested in going - just as friends. I think I'd be more "free" to be crazy if I went with him. And if I don't find someone to go, I'm afraid my cousin might kill me since I'm the one who talked her out of letting her 14 year old daughter go. Smooth move Grace. But in all honesty, would take a 14 year old to a Crue show?

So that in a nutshell has been my week. I guess you don't need the rest of the gruesome details that have constituted me wanting to hide under the covers and not come out until a rich, gorgeous man comes to rescue me. If I meet him next week, I may just hide on his tour bus and hope he doesn't mind. Love ya Tommy! Shhhh, don't tell Nikki or Em, I said that, we all know how jealous he can get.


At Thu Aug 18, 10:34:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Angie! Sorry you're having such a weird time lately. I'm with Tom--ask Pete, Aaron's being a jackass (as you say)

At Fri Aug 19, 02:14:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

thanks guys!

Honestly Tom, it would take such a long time for me to type up the specifics that I don't think my hands would last that long. Besides, I much prefer to read about your adventures in this game called life!!

Maybe I just need to get drunk or something?

Pete is a good guy. And I will get up the nerve to ask him. I promise I will.

Work does suck and I am looking, just seeing what's out there. But change is always a scary/exciting thing.

It's almost time to go to my other job. Yey, fun for me. Ah well, the weather is shitty outside anyways. Better to be making money than spending it right?

Can ya'll believe those words just came out of a woman's mouth!?


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