The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Aimee's Entry - It's all in a name...

Alright, since I hurt g_c's poor eyes the other day, there will be no more sex talk. I absolutely will not tell you about how I backed that ass up last night and slid myself... okay, okay -- I'll stop. (I'm sorry g_c, I had to do it, I couldn't help myself. *wink*).

Anyhoo, moving on...

You're welcome Angie, my love for the gifts. I am happy that they made you happy. I'm just as amazed by your thoughtfulness as you are by mine. The beautiful sunflower you made me for my birthday still gives me the happy's every time I look at it. And now that I know Tigger is your favorite Disney character he just might pay you a visit (I'd come with him but the air fare is a bit steep). I'm glad you liked the card too, I thought it was adorible and you know how I have that thing for cards. I could literally spend hours in a card store just rifling through all the different cards. Weird, I know but what're you gonna do? That's me.

You know, it amuses me how many people butcher the bloody hell out of my name. It's easy-peasy to say, y'all. I swear it is. I know it's spelled funny but there ain't a damn thing unique about the way you pronounce it. I'm not really sure what my parents were thinking when they spelled it that way? Maybe they thought it'd be humorous to watch me struggle to find things with my name printed on them cause let me tell ya, that ain't happening. No way, no how. If I want something with my name printed on it, I have to special order it dammit. And I love those people that pronounce it the fancy french way -- aimée -- because when it's not butchered, it actually sounds really pretty. But sadly, that's not how you pronounce my name. Nope, it's just basic, plain, generic, everyday ole Amy for me. But as ordinary as it's pronounced, I've always loved the meaning, it's pretty. I bet Thaly-Ann knows what it means.

And I swear, I'll never learn my lesson about cavorting around outside of the house in my fucking pajama's. I was wearing my SpongeBob pajama's (which are adorible, BTW) when I went to 7-Eleven last night and I never tie the drawstring on those suckers tight enough. I imagine it was quite comical watching me try to carry a case of Pepsi, a bag of ice and a bottle of water while simultaneously trying to keep my pants from falling down. They didn't hit the floor but it was a close call.

God, I am counting the days until Friday. Seriously. I can't wait. I know it sounds selfish but I need a few days to unwind. There's been too much stuff slapping at me lately and I need a few days to clear my mind before it explodes. In the end, my sister decided not to go with us. Her and my mom are kind of talking to each other again but there's still a lot of unresolved tension between them. It's been hard for me, being in the middle of them because I love them both so much but I had no choice because I'll never choose sides. I can't.

Speaking of that whole dirty mess... thank you Angie for listening to me and not judging. It was a lot to lay at your door and I'm sure that it was something you'd rather not have known but because you love me, you let me get it out. You'll never know how grateful I am for that. It was eating a hole inside me and I felt like I had nowhere to go with it but you never turn me away no matter what I come at you with. Your caring heart and unfaltering support is just a small part of why I love you so much. *Kiss*.

Well, that's about it for me. Have a lovely day, y'all.

P.S. I'm sporting a rather nasty migraine, I think I need someone to kiss it all better. Any volunteers? LOL.


At Tue Aug 16, 01:29:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

I'm glad you like the sunflower, it was meant to brighten your day whenever you felt crappy!

Nice job with keepin your pants up! I imagine that was not an easy task! Bravo!

It's too bad that sister decided not to go with you, but remember it was her choice and there's nothing you can do about it. So don't feel guilty or anything of that nature while your there! Just have fun and enjoy yourself!

As for the rest of that mess, I'm happy to listen in anyway I can. My friends tell me that's what I'm best at - listening. I've been the friendly counselor/psychologist since I can remember. When I was in High school, I really wanted to hang a sign on the outside of my locker that said "The Dr. is in." And I don't mind one bit. Helping my friends with their life keeps my mind off mine!!



At Tue Aug 16, 03:30:00 PM, Blogger grave_creek said...

scarred for life i tell you!!!i still feel the pain whenever i close my eyes!!!*shivers* lol!!! seriously i really dont mind the whole sex talk..honey if youve been reading any of my last posts you should know im an expert at 12 year old experimentation sex!!!lol!!and im not proud of it!!!lol!!

well you are still lucky to have an english sounding real name,okay brace yorself, is you try to say that out loud...i sometimes get deejay..or gj or geeejay or DI-DI-A....needless to say its gonna be a pain in the ass,no pun intended lol, when im gonna go to uni in the uk...although when i say it in my french accent and all it sure sounds know what they say about french accents right??lol lets hope it also works for gay guys too!! ohh by the way big kisses to you,on both cheeks and a little peck on the mouth too *blush*!!there hope the migraines should know that i dont just kiss any girl around!!lol

At Tue Aug 16, 10:24:00 PM, Blogger TheStolenOlive said...

My kindergarten teacher told me that my mother spelled my name wrong. I went home and told my mom that. She then got a sheet of paper and a pen and wrote "I am going to the store," and asked me to pronounce the 2nd word.

Of course, I said "AM" to which she replied.. "and what happens when you put a Y on that?" AM-e?

Needless to say the next day I went to my teacher and told her that my mother didn't spell my name wrong, that she (my teacher) just didn't understand phonics. Needless to say I got in trouble.

At Wed Aug 17, 02:15:00 AM, Blogger AJ said...

Kiss kiss kiss kiss!

Names can be touchy things. My name is horrible! But then again, my father was named plum blossom (in chinese) and mother has a old english puppet name, so I guess its some sort of pay it forward revenge

At Wed Aug 17, 02:17:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mwah! Headache be gone!

And have a great time in Disneyworld!

At Wed Aug 17, 12:28:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Oh Tom, I'm fantastic at muti-tasking.

And thanks, I am, sorta. I will have fun at Disney, just me and mi madre. I'll try and take some pictures.

Ang, I love you. It does brighten my day, every day.

And I'm not going to let her absence ruin my trip, I promise.

*Kisses* back atcha, my love.

g_c, I read that. You're not a cheap whore, BTW, so don't feel bad about that darlin', it's perfectly normal. I was in a similar situation at 14. It's all about sexual exploration and nothing to be ashamed of. I'm not and I know that my exploratory partner isn't so you shouldn't be.

Your name is a tongue twister but I like it. French is sexy g_c. Hence the reason I love when people pronounce my name in French. It's yummy.

Thanks for the kisses. You've done gone and made me feel special.

fftvstar, LMAO!!! That's hilarious!! Thanks for sharing that with me. Was the trouble you got in worth it?

androjane, Thanks for the kisses. Yes you're right, names can be touchy. Plum blossom? That's kind of cute. My name (first & middle) actually means 'beloved break of day', I've always thought it was kind of pretty.

Evan, Mmm, just the set of lips I was hoping for. Thanks, love. And I'll sure try to have fun in Disney. Have I ever told you about my fantasy involving 'It's A Small World'?


At Wed Aug 17, 01:06:00 PM, Blogger TheStolenOlive said...

Yep. To this day I tell people who spell my name wrong that "hooked on phonics works, buy it."

At Thu Aug 18, 10:35:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

No, you haven't. Share. When you can.

At Fri Aug 19, 08:09:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

Evan... I will.


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