The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Aimee's Entry - Open Mouth, Insert Foot.

Fuck. I woke up with the nastiest headache this morning and the massive amounts of caffiene I'm consuming aren't knocking that bad boy out. Ouch. And I'm tired. A nap would be lovely but that's not gonna happen.

You know, when I love someone, I'll do anything for them -- seriously -- even if it's just listening. I'll do whatever I can to be there for them but I swear sometimes someone I love will come at me with the most convoluted stuff and then I'm struck with, "Oh fuck me, what the hell am I supposed to say here?"

My sister, Christie (with whom I love immensely) had been dating this guy (we'll call him DR), for about 6 months and then things turned a bit ugly and it all fell apart. DR is 13 years older than Christie which meant nothing to her but it always seemed to bother him and on top of the age difference, he's extremely commitment phobic. Apparently he's never had a relationship with anyone that lasted more than 6 months.

I don't know, I had serious misgivings about their relationship from the beginning because she'd just seperated from her husband, they were in the middle of talking divorce and in my opinion, it just wasn't the right time for her to be getting involved with anyone. But she did get involved and she fell HARD. He didn't reciprocate, at least not in the way she wanted. Not to say that he didn't love her, I think he did but not in that whole ...let's get married, have kids and spend our lives together... kind of way, you know. Personally, I think he was fascinated that someone so young and beautiful (because Christie is extremely beautiful -- and I cry foul over that, why'd she get all the good genes, LOL) would be interested in him and he fell in love with that more than with her (if that make sense). Anyway, when he wouldn't commit things started to unravel and eventually just fell apart completely.

Since they've split, she's done some not-so-smart things -- going to places she knows he goes in hopes of running into him, trying to date his roommate, sending him very emotional e-mails, allowing him to use her for sex -- but the IM conversation she threw at me last night tossed me completely off kilter. God.

An IM pops up from Christie without warning or easing me into the conversation, mind you, "I think DR's bisexual."

WTF?, "Huh?"

"Oh my God, I was talking to friends at work and they all agree, he's bisexual. He is. Oh God, I feel sick."

I wasn't very quick on my toes, "Huh?"

"What if he gave me something, Aimee? I need to go to the doctor. I can't believe he'd do this to me."

Well hell, color me stupid but I needed to catch up for pity's sake, I was still trying to figure out how she came to the conclusion that he's bisexual, "Okay, slow down Chris cause you've lost me here. Why do you think he's bisexual?"

"Aimee, it just makes sense. He's so comfortable with guys. Girls, not so much. I mean, he's always around them, spending time with them, hanging out with them, he LIVES with one. God, if he gave me something... It's gross, huh?"

And after all that me, the supportive friend, sister and confidant could come up with nothing to comfort her but... wait for it, it's brilliant, "What's gross?"

Sigh. I'm not usually so, umm, slow on the uptake but I was having a bit of trouble keeping up with this one.

"His being bisexual!"

Ah, that. Well, what was I supposed to say to that, huh? I wanted to be supportive and all because I love her too death but if I answered honestly, she'd probably get pissed. It's funny but we're completely night and day when it comes to how we view things. Sometimes, I think that aside from my dad, I'm the only one in my family that was blessed with an open mind. In the end, I went with honesty.

"No Christie, I don't think being bisexual is gross BUT, if he is and he didn't tell you, well then, that's extremely fucked up."

She immediately signed off after I made that statement and I wanted to smack my head into the desk for fucking that one up. So you see, I was busy kicking my own ass for hurting her when she called and said she got booted offline and couldn't sign back on. She didn't mention what I said on the phone and when she did sign back on, she didn't bring the bisexual thing back up again so I'm assuming she didn't like my answer.

I feel really bad about not giving her the answer that she wanted but the answer she wanted goes against how I feel, ya know? And now I'm feeling like a selfish bitch for not agreeing with her to try and calm her down. I'm thinking all she wanted was a 'Trash DR' fest and I didn't deliver. Sigh. Aimee done fucked that one up.


At Thu Aug 11, 04:17:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


what you did wasn't stupid or anything but the truth. It's not gross. Even if Christie just wanted to vent you did the right thing by telling her what you think. So don't worry, if she is mad at you (what is in my eyes understandable because she's hurt you didn't "play" with her) she will get over it. She just needs someone to listen to her, what you do so it's all good.


At Fri Aug 12, 12:17:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I agree. You did the right thing. There could have been a trash DR fest w/o compromising your honesty, and you chose that route. Kudos

At Fri Aug 12, 08:40:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with tine and evan. you did the right thing by saying what you believed and not compromising on that. also, it isn't as if you were being unsympathetic. you were right to point out to her that it would have been fucked up if DR weren't open with your sister about being bi.

anyway, don't beat yourself up over that. you've done nothing wrong. your sister isn't mad at you.

At Fri Aug 12, 09:20:00 AM, Blogger Angie said...

Tine, Evan and Raph...

Thank you. You all made me feel better. I didn't talk to her last night at all but I think we're okay.

I rarely compromise my views for anyone but I love her and when it was over, I guess I just felt like maybe I should've handled it better or at least differently.



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