The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Earlier in the week, just before I morphed into some strange zombie-like entity that walked around in a fog and felt, oddly, absolutely nothing, I had decided to take a break from well, just about everything. I didn’t want to talk, I didn’t want to hear, I didn’t want to feel. I didn’t want anything.

So, what’s changed between then and now? Well, the fog that was clouding my brain suddenly (and somewhat ruthlessly) dissipated and I was forced to do all those things – talk, hear, feel – that I was vehemently avoiding. In being forced to do those things, I had to accept that every action has consequences and I can’t just set something in motion and then slink back and expect it to work itself out while I cower in the corner. Life doesn’t work that way. I’m an adult and I need to start acting like one.

I’ve been a bit cryptic and basically refused to acknowledge, accept or talk about the things that are happening in my personal life at the moment because honestly, I didn’t want to deal with them myself (which is childish because we wouldn’t be dealing with anything if I hadn’t pushed). And there are some people that are wondering what’s up?

To that, I say... a little bit of this, a little bit of that and a whole fucking lot of just about everything.

Long story short, Drew and I are currently in the process of separating (there are reasons, both good and bad, that brought us to where we are right now but I can’t nor won’t be discussing them because there are two sides to every story and he’s not here to tell his). And it hasn’t been easy on any of us but I don’t guess it’s supposed to be, is it?

Life as we’ve known it for the past 6 years is about to change for Cameron, for Drew and for me. And I’m not too proud to admit that I’m scared but while I’m scared, I also know that this was something I had to do for Cameron and for us.

The other day my sister asked me the same question I’ve asked myself a thousand times since we made this decision, "What about you and Drew? Where do you go from here?"

I don’t know? Maybe we’ll make it and maybe we won’t. Maybe we’ll rediscover and deepen what we’ve lost and maybe we won’t. I have no answers right now. I guess only time will tell where we go from here.

As for my hiatus... One of the reasons I decided not to post anything here while Drew and I are working through this was because I didn’t feel that anything I have to say right now would be productive or remotely happy (and honestly, I still don’t) and I didn’t figure that anyone wants to read a bunch of depressing shit (and honestly, I still do). But I’ve decided to post anyway because lately I’ve felt the need to purge (kind of like therapy). I’ll try not to be all maudlin, all the time but I’ve been having some bad moments lately (like last night when I had to sit Cameron down and explain that his daddy is going to be living somewhere else. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do and I couldn’t fully express how painful it was for both of us) and when I have those bad moments, my posts aren’t likely to be very pleasant but I’ll sincerely try to be as happy as I can be as often as I can be.

And last but certainly not least, Angie and Evan, aside from family, you two are the only ones I felt comfortable enough to talk about any of this with before now and I hope you both know how thankful I am for your support, your ears (well eyes), your love and your friendship. It means everything. Truly. I love you both infinitely.


At Sun Oct 09, 06:03:00 AM, Blogger jg said...

Good Morning Aimee.
I am Glad to see you back on the scene.
I am seperated from my wife rite now
as I told you before. it is about the best thing I have done for my self in a long time, it is sad but life goes that way sometimes, The only person I have had to talk about things is my mother, she has been great, we have gottin alot closer:) I am not sure what helps the most talking, or just hiding from the world they both seem to have there place.
I wish you the best.
Take things one day at a time!!!
I am sendind you a Big Hug!!!!
and if that dont make you smile alittle,
I have posted a bunch of flowers on my blog, (for the lady)
Bye for now JG

At Sun Oct 09, 09:09:00 AM, Blogger AJ said...

*Hugs* really hope things will turn out the best for ya Aimee.

At Sun Oct 09, 12:28:00 PM, Blogger Denise said...

Dear Aimee,
I could say alot of things like "hang in there", "It'll all work out", etc.. but being honest, when my separation came about that was the last thing I wanted to hear. So All I will say is, "Peace To You"...


At Sun Oct 09, 02:48:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aimee -

I didn't be online very often since many weeks now because of teaching, and many writing I have to do for work but your last comments on this blog touching me a lot. I'm very sorry to hear about your divorce and I can imagine how it can be difficult for you, Drew and, of course, Cameron. I wanted to let you know that I'll always be there for you no matter what happen. I know that the only thing I can give you is my "virtual support" but I want you to know that you have it 100%.

If life gives me the chance to go to Florida next year, I will give you a "real" BIG hug :) For the moment, I give you one in this blog *HUG*

I bought a new computer last week and that's the reason why I didn't log in on AIM (I will have to download AIM for the third time!) But you can contact me on my Hotmail address anytime. You know it's in moments like this one that I would like to be perfectly bilingual to tell you the words you need to hear... I can express myself in english but I can't say everything I wanna say, if you know what I mean...

Don't give up sweetie ! It's rough right now but I'm sure life will give you all the happiness you deserve... and you deserve a lot of wonderful things :)

Kisses and hugs. I'm with you !

With all my heart,

Thaly-Ann xxx

At Mon Oct 10, 12:29:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Thank you all for the love and the support!! It means more to me than I could possibly say!!!

Kisses, hugs and love,


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