The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Have you ever done something so completely teenager-ish that you'd like to (literally) bitch slap yourself for being so bloody foolish?

Well, for pity's sake, I did and today, as I recollect on my recent stint with teenager-y foolishness, I have to hang my head in shame. I am 30 years old for fucks sake, what was I thinking?

To save myself from the embarrassment that I know confessing my foolishness will garner, I shant tell you what it was that *I* specifically did, but I will give you an example of what it is I'm talking about here.

Back when you were in high school (or hell, middle school even) there was more than likely a time when you had a "thing" for someone and they, for one reason or another, gifted you with something (a picture, a letter, a voicemail) and being the sappy, hopeless romantic that you were (are), you covet it like it's gold (platinum even) because after all, you've got a "thing" for that person and this whatever it is you've got came from them and you don't care how many people roll their eyes at you, you're keeping it dammit. And then by some tragic twist of fate something happens (the letter gets wet, the picture gets ripped, the voicemail accidentally gets erased) and you're devastated because as foolish as it sounds, it meant something to you because they meant (mean) something to you.

Did any of that make sense or am I the only sentimental idiot that did that shit back in the day (and apparently still do)?

Anyway, getting back on point, I had a moment like that but not exactly like that yesterday and God, I felt extremely stupid for being so childish. Oh well, I guess a stint through the vast world of immaturity every once in a awhile is okay.

On another note, I'm thinking the reason I've felt like hell the last couple of days is because I'm coming down with a cold. I woke up this morning with that obnoxious nasally timbre to my voice, which I hate, but as long as it doesn't get really bad, I'm cool. It's the most annoying thing but when I get a really nasty cold, I start sounding like a man. Seriously.

Oh well, time for me and my nasally sounding ass to get back to work. I hope you all have a lovely day.


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