The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Oh, it's just Aimee rambling again.

Ah, I’m so tired and my brain hurts rather horrifically, but ironically, I happen to be in a fairly decent mood. Go figure.

Have I mentioned that it’s about to get colder than a bitch in South Florida? No? Well, it is. It’s dropping down into the upper 30's tonight, and tomorrow night we get the lower 30's. Sigh. I love cold weather, I truly do, but the 30's is a bit too cold for my thin skin.

And God, I busted my ass at work today. But as Terry helpfully pointed out, it’s my fault for putting everything off until Friday. And I did. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I did basically nothing. Lazy, lazy, lazy. And you know what? A homeowner actually paid me a compliment. She said I was extremely pleasant and helpful. Ain’t that special? I thought so. Cause truthfully, I’m usually not so pleasant. Matter of fact, my mom called this morning and I barked (quite literally) out my standard greeting, and she said, "Ah, could you at least try to sound nice when you answer the phone?" So I said in the sweetest voice I could muster, "Oh, sorry. Good Morning, Irrigation Systems. Better?" She snorted and said, "Yeah, and I can tell how sincere it was too."

Anyway, I was really looking forward to sleeping-in tomorrow morning because I’ve been feeling a bit on the weak side lately, but sadly, that’s just not going to happen now because Christie has to work 4:00am to 2:00pm so I have to watch Sarah. And she gets up entirely too early. Ah well, I’ll have to try and catch some extra sleep another time. Maybe Sunday.

And God, my step-father is driving me crazy with the IM’s today. He was IM’ing me when I was at work, and then earlier this evening, and now he’s at it again. I know why he’s doing it (it’s cause he’s moved up to Okeechobee already and my mom is still living in Boca, so he’s lonely), but it still drives me crazy because it’s always the same conversation and the same set of questions. I do believe I have all the answers memorized already so all I have to do is type them out when prompted. LOL. Seriously though, he’s alright and I am sorry that he’s been feeling lonely. I’ve been there and it sucks.

Because I'm basically old at heart, I love their music and this is my favorite song from them (which happens to be playing at the moment), I'm going to share.

Sweet Dreams ~ Air Supply

This is the time when you need a friend
You just need someone near
I'm not looking forward to the night I'll spend
Thinking of you when you're not here

How many times will I think about the things
I'd like to do
Always denied the right to live my life
The way I want
I want to share it with you

Close your eyes I want to ride the skies
In my sweet dreams
Close your eyes I want to see you tonight
In my sweet dreams

I think of your kiss as the days roll by
And I'll write the words you love
And what I can't say in a letter
Will just have to wait till I get home

There's not much time to tell you
Half the things that I should
Only that I'm so glad I fell in love with you
And I'd do it again, if I could

Close your eyes I want to ride the skies
In my sweet dreams
Close your eyes I want to see you tonight
In my sweet dreams

Sleep like a child resting deep
You don't know what you give me I keep
For these moments alone

Close your eyes I want to ride the skies
In my sweet dreams
Close your eyes I want to see you tonight
In my sweet dreams

Close your eyes I want to ride the skies
In my sweet dreams
Close your eyes I want to see you tonight
In my sweet dreams

Oh well, that’s it, I’m done, stick a fork in me.

I hope you all had a pleasant Friday.


At Sat Jan 07, 12:57:00 PM, Blogger AJ said...

I'm done stick a fork in me?? priceless

At Sat Jan 07, 02:56:00 PM, Blogger Angie said...

AJ!!! Where in the heck have you been?? I've missed you 'round here!



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