The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Angie's Entry

Well the countdown is officially on. 22 days left or actually 16 working days left here at my job.

PC and I jumped ship yesterday for lunch, it was time to have a bitch session. Our interim controller is driving both of us totally crazy. As PC said yesterday, he's over stayed his welcome and it's time for him to go.

If there's one thing in this world I hate more than anything it's being treated like I'ma fuckin idiot. I got a half dozen emails from my boss in the past week reminding me to do things that I've been doing on a monthly basis for over four years now. I think I know my fuckin job and I know what I need to show Julie, my replacement, how to do thankyouverymuch.

And boy is she going to be overwhelmed.

That and she knows absolutely nothing about payroll. I got lucky, my boss was a super teacher and did everything she could to help me, train me and give me the tools I needed to succeed. Julie has none of that. I told her to sign up for three training classes as soon as possible, how many do you think she'll actually get to take? Zero. Unless she maintains her pushiness and tells Tim when she's taking classes instead of asking him. But we'll see. She has to have to motivation to learn and since she's the only person in the world to have a baby and be married, I know she won't learn anything more than what I teach her. Oh, didn't you know that the world revolves around my former friend Julie? Well, now you know. It does.

I won't even get started on our HR guy and what a complete moron he is. I really really wonder how the fuck he still has his job. I sadly shake my head for him, he really doesn't know what an ineffective, spineless, passive ass-kisser he is and how many people in this company have less than zero tolerance and respect for him.

I've gotten nothing but kind words and what I hope are sincere well wishes. Our former VP of sales was one of the first people to come over to me and wish me well, tell me they (the co.) are losing a great employee and if there's ever anything he can help with don't hesistate to contact him.

In other world news today, my part time job is switching to a new software system at the end of this week. I haven't been able to sit in on any training, which means that Jason gets to train me.

Lately it seems like there's something weird going on between us. Like, after Thanksgiving he's been touchy with me. Meaning, I went into work on a Monday cause he begged me, I no sooner got my jacket off and he came up behind me and squeezed me, thanking me for coming in.

Then yesterday he was going in a couple different directions with this conversion and he came back to my desk after I had asked him a question to which he didn't answer, so I made my own decision about what had to be done first. Well, I turned my head to the side to talk to him and he leaned in and rested his forehead almost on mine and said, I dunno, you know what to do, I'm still lost and confused from yesterday.

I dunno it's weird. He's weird sometimes like that to me. And normally I'd brush it off as Jason just being weird but it's been happening more and more often.

Not that anything would ever happen, he's married, his wife works in our office with us and I'm friends with her. So don't think I have that problem. Jason is like a big brother to me. Always harassing me, giving me a hard time about shit but then giving me advise on my car and house and shit.

Like I said, it's just Jason being weird.

One the brighter side, I looked at my paycheck and noticed an extra week of vacation on it. I forgot that when I hit my five years that bumped me up to another week of vacation. So I'm getting paid well into March. Good news for me!! And I know that cause I planned out my own payment schedule and will forward it to my boss for his approval.

Other than that, nothing else is new.

I'm stuck. I don't think I want to do payroll anymore, but I don't know what I want to do. So that makes the job hunting a little difficult.

Anyways, have a good day!


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