The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I’m in a mood, but then again, I’m always in a mood. This particular mood however, stems from a something that I was having trouble dealing with last week. A problem that the lovely Angie talked me through, and while the consensus was that I’d just have to deal with it, I felt inherently better about the ridiculous (or not) way I was feeling because she understood. You want to know what I was having trouble dealing with, huh? Well, not on your life. A woman’s gotta have some secrets, you know. Anyhow, this problem I’m choosing not to share has put me in a mood, but because I have no choice other than to deal, I’m gonna fucking deal, dammit. And that’s that. I think.

Well, I was off today, but I swear it didn’t feel like it. I had entirely too much to do and not enough hours to do it in. And to make matters worse (and put me way behind schedule), I took a foolishly frivolous break that I could’ve (and should’ve) used to do the numerous things I needed to do and watched Cinderella. I know it’s childish, but I adore that movie. But even with my irresponsible break, I did manage to make some headway in Cameron’s room, and let me tell you, it was a complete disaster. He just had way too much stuff, and I needed to get rid of some of it or he’d eventually get lost underneath the mountains of paraphernalia scattered everywhere. Sadly, I still didn’t get his PS2 hooked up, but that’s probably a good thing as I’m slightly electronically challenged. When I do get to it, it’s a safe bet that I’ll fuck it up somehow.

And I neglected to mention that while I didn’t get to meet Jeff while he was in town for the holidays, he did e-mail me his phone number and after missing each other the first time around, we did finally manage to have a lovely conversation that wasn’t near as awkward as I though it would be. Thanks for listening to me ramble on, my friend, it’s a rare thing that I have someone to talk to, and it meant a lot to me to be able to have a chat with someone who cares. And though I’ve already said it, I am truly happy for you and Nina. I’m hoping you find the happiness that you seek and rightfully deserve, Jeff. I sincerely do.

And that’s all really. Nothing exciting going on around here. Same ole, same ole.



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