The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Friday, January 06, 2006

Pointless rambling brought to you by Aimee.

Mmm, I’m really liking my UPS guy cause he delivered the most delectable package today! Seriously. It was packed full of yummy stuff! Thank you, Ang. You rock! And those chocolate buried cherry things are just so delicious. YUM. My dad is a bit bummed though because there wasn’t any of that sweet cereal mix you sent last year. LOL. Oh, and your version of the "samoas" are killer. Is there coconut in them? Thanks again, it was all so delicious.

Well, I finally hooked up my DSL tonight. The wireless router and all that other complicated looking stuff has been sitting in a box under my desk since December 14th, but I was waiting to hook it up because I ordered Bell South’s networking system so Christie and I could use it together, and somehow during the move she lost the power cord to her hard drive, but she finally got one (thank heavens because I was getting tired of having to tussle with her every time I wanted to use my computer) so we hooked it up tonight. Ah, no more dial-up, fantastic. And miracle of miracles, my phone actually rings now. LOL. Between Christie and myself, no calls ever made it through. My mom used to bitch about that all the time until I got my cell reconnected and now she doesn’t even bother calling the house.

You know, I think my warehouse guy would like to take a bite out of me. And it’s all on account of this lotion and shimmering body spray my mom bought me for Christmas. It’s called Winter Candy Apple from Bath & Body Works (and it does smell yummy), and I do believe he’s become enamored with it. I’ve worn it two days in a row, and every time he comes into my office, he starts to sniffing. He told me yesterday that the stuff I’m wearing is dangerous. And I swear, if he wasn’t such a nice guy, the whole thing would creep me out.

And I do believe I upset my poor abused mother this afternoon. I didn’t mean to, I was just kidding. But she had me walking around here like some crazed hypochondriac with Lysol Disinfectant Spray in one hand and Dial Antibacterial Soap in the other so I jokingly said, "Look, if I catch this thing and my body just can’t take it, all I ask is that the members of this three ring circus I call my family take care of my monster." Apparently she didn’t think it was funny. But she should know that I’ll do what I have to do to fight this thing if I get it because I’m not quite ready to meet my maker just yet, I still have tons left to do.

Oh well, that’s it really. It’s still pretty much blah around here.



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