The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Today was a good day.

And it was. Really and truly.

Aside from minor exceptions, Sunday is Cameron’s day with Drew, and I’m typically left to myself to do whatever it is that I do by myself, which is usually nothing, but earlier in the week my mom invited me to go to a craft show in Wellington with her on Sunday, and since there wasn’t anything pressing (or well, anything at all, LOL) on my schedule, I accepted. And it was fun.

We got to the craft show around noon and wandered around for a while just looking at stuff, and then out of the blue my mom decided that we needed to get something matching. You see, my mom and Christie have matching toe rings (mine is completely different from theirs) that she bought for them while they were in the Keys one weekend awhile back, but her and I don’t have anything like that, and she decided we needed to change that. But not toe rings because that’s her and Christie’s thing. Well, after a bit of thought, she decided that we absolutely had to have matching thumb rings. So now we do.

After we left the craft show, we hit The Mall at Wellington Green, and had a bite to eat before browsing a bit, then it was off to Target to get Sarah and Cameron some new underwear and socks. I bought myself some underwear too, and when I showed them to Drew, he asked me if there was something wrong with me as they look like mens boxer briefs, they’re just for women, there’s nothing wrong with me, they just look comfortable, but I digress. While we were at Target I fell in love with these jean capri cargo pants and I wanted them so I put them in the cart while we shopped so I could walk around with them for a bit before I put them back, but my stubborn mother wouldn’t let me put them back, and I ended up buying them for myself (I actually hate doing that because I always feel guilty). Anyway, after Target, we hopped over to Beall’s because my mom wanted to buy me the new flip flops she couldn’t find around Christmas time. And they’re super cute, I love them.

Then it was off to pick up Cameron, and head back home so he could get ready for bed, which is where he is now.

So like I said, today was a good day.


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