The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Monday, August 07, 2006


I do believe I have an ear infection and I don't just believe it is painful, I damn well know it is. Ouch. And I'm not very happy about it. At. All.

Anyhow, moving on...

I had what would amount to a rather pleasant weekend. Friday was, as mentioned earlier, extremely wonderful.

Saturday was pretty good too, I took Cameron to the book store and spent entirely too much money on a book he wanted, but seeing as this cool telescope thing came with it, I decided it was worth the $25 it cost me (which is more than my 2 books together, I might add) and after dinner, he and I scurried off to the movies to see "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", it was good, I rather enjoyed it, however, it was a bit too long to hold Cameron's full attention so there were some dicey moments in which I silently contemplated tieing him to the chair and slapping some tape over his cute little mouth (I wouldn't actually do that, of course, but entertaining the idea allowed me to keep my sanity every time he got a case of the wiggles or decided it'd be a good idea to try and conversate). It was coming up on 10 o'clock when we made it back to the car so we headed home and Cameron watched a spot of TV before falling off into dream land, with me not far behind him.

Sunday was alright, I suppose, I really didn't do much of anything actually. Drew picked up Cameron around 2 o'clock and took him to the skate park for what was supposed to be 3 or 4 hours, but wires obviously got crossed somewhere in there and the going out and doing something to celebrate my birthday we were supposed to do last night didn't actually happen as Drew didn't get back from the skate park with Cameron until just shy of 2 AM. So all we ended up doing was going to sleep, I was actually already asleep so I just went back to sleep after tucking Cameron in and making sure Drew had a pillow and a blanket (I'm not very good with blanket sharing, you know).

And today, it's back to work for me. Yay. Fun.


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