The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Aimee's bored...

So she (me--heh) stole this meme from Jason (btw, very cool answers, Jason)...

How tall are you barefoot? 5’1”

Have you ever been cheated on? Mmm Hmm.

Do you own a gun? Nope and I don't believe I ever will.

If you had a mental disorder, what would it be? I have absolutely no clue.

How many letters are in your crushes name? Four.

What do you think of hot dogs? Eh, I'd rather leave 'em.

What’s your favorite Christmas song? White Christmas (or some such name like that).

What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee--can't live without my coffee.

Do you do push-ups? Nope, never could.

Have you ever done ecstasy? Nah, not my thing.

Do you have a boyfriend? Maybe.

Do you like the rain? I love rain, it's the best damn sleep aid coming or going. Trust me, it is.

Do you own a knife? I have lots of them in the kitchen.

What do you smell like? Huh? Odd question this, but let's see, at present I smell like Bath and Body Works Winter Candy Apple. Yummy.

Do you have A.D.D.? No.

Full initials? A.D.W.

3 thoughts at this exact moment:
1.) I shouldn't be drinking this coffee cause it'll no doubt have me up a million times tonight.

2.) It's hotter than the depths of hell in this room, what the fucks up with that?
3.) Hmm, I haven't masturbated in over a week...

Name the last 3 things you have bought today. Coffee, cigarettes, water.

Name five drinks you regularly drink. Coffee, water, Diet Pepsi, water and more water.

What time did you wake up today? 6:35 am.

Can you spell? Of course I can.

Current worry? At this exact moment, not a thing.

Current hate? I don't really hate anything, but I dislike a whole mess of things.

Favorite place to be? In my bed snuggled up all warm and comfy under the covers.

Least favorite place to be? In my car, I detest driving. Blah.

Where would you want to go? I dunno? Wherever.

Do you own slippers? Heh. Yes, several pairs.

Where do you think you’ll be in 10 years? Have no bloody clue peeps.

Do you burn or tan? Burn baby burn.

Yellow or Blue? Blue.

Would you give up your current life to be a pirate? Ah, might be fun.

Last time your cell rang? About 3 hours ago.

What songs do you sing in the shower? Whatever pops in my head.

What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? Freddy Krueger, he haunted me for years. Ass.

What do you have in your pocket right now? Ah, I'm sans clothes at the moment (which I'm sure is too much info) so absolutely nothing.

Last thing that made you laugh? My mom bitching about this and that, I don't even remember what exactly, but it gave me the giggles.

Favorite bed sheets as a child? Hell, I don't remember.

Worst injury you’ve ever had? When I was but a wee little girl I put my knee through a fish aquarium and it made the most impressive hole, you could see straight down to the bone. Ick.

What is your GPA? I honestly do not remember.

How many TVs do you have in your house? Four.

Who is your loudest friend? I don't really have any loud friends.

Who is your most silent friend? Angie.

Does someone have a crush on you? Well, you'd have to ask him, but I'm thinking yes.

Do you wish on stars? Yep, all the time.

Do you believe in magic? Maybe just a little.

What song represents how you feel at the moment? Crazy by Gnarls Barkley.

What song did you last hear? I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic! At The Disco

What song do you want played at your funeral? Ugh, how morbid. Eh, whatever.

What were you doing 12AM last night? Sleeping (which is what I should be doing now).

What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? That I wished like hell it was Saturday.


At Mon Aug 21, 09:00:00 PM, Blogger Drew said...

Not sure if I should be intrigued or scared that you're sans clothes and have thus realized that you haven't masterbated in over a week.

Though it does make me wonder WHY the f you're blogging when you could be tcb.


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