The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Friday, August 18, 2006

Angie's post - I know, I know

So since Aimee stole this from Jason (every time you answer these things I find more things that you and I have in common. Scary huh? LOL) I'm going to steal it from both of them. Hopefully they won't mind.

How tall are you barefoot? Well since I seemto be shrinking by the day right now I'm probably 5'9"

Have you ever been cheated on? Only every guy that I ever had an interest in. Do you think it's me?

Do you own a gun? No but I've thought about it. Single woman living alone and all.

If you had a mental disorder, what would it be? Clinical Depression

How many letters are in your crushes name? His full first name (8) or his nickname (3)? Or my nickname for him (6)?

What do you think of hot dogs? On occasion, with chili and cheese

What’s your favorite Christmas song? The Halleujah Chorus or Hark hear the bells!

What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water

Do you do push-ups? Not on a regular basis

Have you ever done ecstasy? No but I've been extended the offer

Do you have a boyfriend? I wish - or rather more acturately, when hell freeezes over which is not the way I want it

Do you like the rain? Love it. Having sex while it's raining is even better, whether inside or outside!

Do you own a knife? A few

What do you smell like? Pear Blossom from Bath & Body Works

Do you have A.D.D.? No. Wait, maybe. I don't know. Yes, definately. Just kidding, no.

Full initials? AEJH (don't ask)

3 thoughts at this exact moment:
1.) Is it time to go to Cold Stone for ice cream yet?
2.) I can't wait to have dinner with Brother tonight at the good Thai place and Italian dinner tomorrow with pregnant chica
3.) I need to see my hottie this weekend

Name the last 3 things you have bought today.
1.) Eggs and Bacon for breakfast
2.) Diet Pepsi Black Cherry/French Vanilla Jazz, everyone seems to love it, so I'll give it a try

Name five drinks you regularly drink.
1.) Water
2.) White Tea - either Lipton Tangerine or Snapple Raspberry
3.) Water
4.) Water
5.) Diet Coke - like one a week

What time did you wake up today? Which time? You mean when I actually got out of bed? 5:05 am

Can you spell? Not all the time, but I give it hell when I can

Current worry? I don't know

Current hate? To hate something you have to love it equally - but I have a laundry list of dislikes

Favorite place to be? So far? Hawaii

Least favorite place to be? Work

Where would you want to go? Vegas in the Spring with a great bunch of peeps and back to Hawaii someday

Do you own slippers? 1 pair

Where do you think you’ll be in 10 years? Same crappy place I am now? How's that for Optimism?

Do you burn or tan? Tan - I'm half mexican baby!

Yellow or Blue? Blue

Would you give up your current life to be a pirate? No, I prefer to shower once a day

Last time your cell rang? A few hours ago - which reminds me

What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower, only in my car

What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? Anything scary

What do you have in your pocket right now? Nothing, I hate carrying things in my pockets

Last thing that made you laugh? My boss and his crazy way of making me laugh

Favorite bed sheets as a child? Anything flannel, I love the softness of flannel

What the worst injury you’ve ever had? Cut my knee open on a broken beer bottle in the winter, the most painful part was the nurse that was cleaning it and I swear she had her whole freakin arm in my damn leg.

What is your GPA? It sucked if I remember correctly. How I got into college will forever remain a mystery, especially the one I went to.

How many TVs do you have in your house? Two, but only one that I watch

Who is your loudest friend? I don't really have loud friends, we can get pretty loud together when we want to

Who is your most silent friend? Only those that I'm not in touch with

Does someone have a crush on you? I hope he does, but that could be wishful thinking on my part

Do you wish on stars? Sometimes

Do you believe in magic? Depends

What song represents how you feel at the moment? Anything by Breaking Benjamin

What song did you last hear? I'm listening to the radio right now and it's currently playing "The Pot" by Tool (which I realized that I'm a much bigger fan than I thought I was)

What song do you want played at your funeral? Do we really need to go there?

What were you doing 12AM last night? Looking at the clock to see what time it was

What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? It's dark, I'm comfortable, the dog wants me to sleep, do I really need to get up? Shit.

Sorry I'm silent Aim, but you know I'm always listening!!

Have a good weekend everyone!!


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