The Twisted Minds of Aimee and Angie

We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit. - EE Cummings

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Pure Randomness.

I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but the weather in Florida pretty much sucks. Big time. It’s so hot and muggy, it wreaks a bit of havoc with the whole breathing thing. And then there’s the thunderstorms, the suckers seem to pop up out of nowhere and they’re quite violent this year. Okay, enough of the weather talk for today.

So, what’s up? Not much my way really.

I finally finished and submitted my two stories for the next ST Anthology. I didn’t resend Sasha my original second submission (aptly titled “Mess”), the one I’d written in “Third Person”, because no matter how I tried, I just couldn’t get it to where I didn’t want to weep every time I read it. Sigh. So I went back to my odd form of “First Person” and I do believe she’s much happier with that.

Just as I was ready to suit up and go back into battle with my mother-in-law, she circumvented that by FINALLY having Cameron call me Friday evening. He sounded a bit sad but insisted he’s having fun. They’ve done some swimming in the springs, gone to this beautiful beach in North Florida and last week, he got to ride a horse named Romeo. Mara found out that school is starting two weeks later this year and made noises about keeping Cameron an extra week but that’s just not going to happen and I told her so. I don’t believe she was very happy with my decision but that’s not my problem. So, provided she doesn’t do anything ridiculous to piss me off, Cameron will be home on Monday.

Girls Night” was fun. Christie’s having herself another girl so we had ourselves a spirited debate over names. Christie is stuck on “Elizabeth” but my mom and I aren’t crazy about it, so we suggested she use it as a middle name. When all was said and done, Baby Lacey was going to be christened with the name “Jade Elizabeth” but if I know Christie, that’ll end up being “Elizabeth Jade” or something else entirely. After the great name debate and some Chinese, we settled in to watch “Rush Hour” followed by “The Green Mile”.

Saturday I accompanied my mom on her trip to Okeechobee where I helped her clean the spare bedroom (otherwise known as the “Kiddie Room”) and clear out the attic to make some room for her move up there next month. And just as an FYI, being in an attic in Florida in July is akin to being in hell. After I got back, I picked up Drew and Mike and we hit Carrabba’s for dinner.

Sunday was a lazy day, Drew and I slept in, had lunch at Mango’s, went to the grocery store to do his shopping for the week then spent the rest of the day/evening lazing at his house. During our lazing, we watched “Stranger than Fiction” and it was much better than I thought it would be. I liked it.

This week has been alright so far. I’m tired and I’ve had the same headache for three days running but it could be worse.

And that's all.

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